Part 28 (1/2)
”Oh, we know you are always gadding over here,” said Sally, laughing
”You are Jessie's shadow”
”Ha, ha! and likewise ho, ho!” rejoined Areater than the substance I weigh fifteen pounds more than Jess We'll have to see about that”
”And I suppose your brother, Darrington, is over here, too?” asked Belle, her sharp eyes glancing all about the big veranda
”Wrong again,” rejoined Ae for Darry you can trust me to deliver it to hiat, if his plans matured,” said Ao out on that yacht? And without taking any of us girls?” and she began to pout
”No ,” Amy said proold_”
”Oh, you children!” scoffed Belle ”I shouldn't think that Darry and Burd Alling and that Mark Stratford would want little girls tagging thee”
Belle really was a year older than the churown up Amy stared at her ide eyes
”Well, I like your nerve!” said she ”Darry'ssince he and Darry went to priuess they are not likely to take strangers off on that yacht with them before they take Jess and h she considered Amy's heated reply quite childish
”Oh, dear me,” she proclaimed ”To hear you, one would think you were still playether I don't know that you and Jess, Arown up”
”Hope not, if we have to grow into anything that looks and acts like you,” grumbled Amy
But Jessie tried to pour oil on the troubled waters ”Just what did you come for, Belle?” she asked After all, sheI can do for you?”
”So to have a box party down at the Carter Landing on Lake Monenset the first eet them to invite Mark Stratford”
”Hu distance or radio,” chuckled Amy
”Now, don't interfere, Amy!” said Belle sharply
”Wait,” Jessie said, in her quiet way ”Don't let us argue over nothing The boys really are off on their boat We do not know just when they are co back Why don't you write Darry a note and leave it at the house?”
”Huet it?” snapped Belle, with her face screwed up as though she had bitten into so awfully sour
”Well! I like her impudence,” muttered Amy, as Belle and Sally disappeared ”I don't see how her row up”
”It is not as bad as all that,” her chuirls who go with her to be thinking of the boys all the tiet the older boys to show an interest in theht,” said Amy, bluntly ”And Darry and Burd think that Belle is foolish”
”Now, let's finish this letter to Daddy,” Jessie said, hastily ”And then, oh, Amy Drew, I have an idea!”
”Another idea?” cried her friend
”I don't knohether there is anything in it or not But listen