Part 2 (1/2)
A big touring car stood in the narrow lane, headed toward the broad highway from which Jessie and A A very unpleasant looking, narrow-shouldered wo wheel, but isted around in her seat so that she could look behind her
In the lane was another woh not tastefully; and this second woenerously proportioned as the one behind the wheel was lean She was red-faced, too, and panted from her exertions
Those exertions, it was evident at once to Jessie and A and the subsequent restraining of a very active and athletic girl of about the age of the chums She was quite as red-faced as the fleshy woet ahile now and then she eht a crowd in almost no time in any place more closely built up
”Oh! What is the , Martha!” exclaimed the woman already in the motor-car ”Here come a couple of rubber-necks”
This expression, to Jessie's mind, marked the driver of the automobile for exactly what she was Nor did the face of the fat wo anywith the second woman--the one called ”Martha”--she was not very well dressed But she looked neat and clean, and she certainly was determined not to enter the autoh she had at first thought it possible, if either of these woirl they seemed so determined to capture
”What are they--road pirates? Kidnapers?” demanded Amy ”What?”
The two chums stopped by the machine They really did not knohat to do Should they help the screaht be that the girl had run away frouardians Only, to Jessie'sof the refine in the appearance of these tomen She was not favorably iirl?” she asked the woh she said it politely, the wolance and said:
”Mind your own business!”
”My!” gasped A very wide
Jessie was not at all reassured She turned to the fleshy woman, and repeated her question:
”What is the irl?”
”She's crazy, that's what she is!” cried the woood for her”
”I'll learn her!” rasped out the driver of the car
”Don't!” shouted the girl ”Don't let theot behind her She clutched the girl's shoulders and drove her harshly toward the car with her whole weight behind the writhing girl The other woether the women fairly threw their captive into the tonneau of the car, where she fell on her hands and knees
”There, spiteful!” gasped the lean woman ”I'll show you!”
She hopped back behind the steering wheel The fleshy woirl The car started with a dash, the door of the tonneau flapping
”Oh! This isn't right!” gasped Jessie
”They are running aith her, Jess,” ?”
”It's mean!” declared her chum with conviction ”How dare they?”
”Why, to look at her, I think that skinny wo,”
remarked Amy ”And--haven't--you seen her before?”
”Never! She doesn't live around here And that car is strange”