Chapter 558: Crossing the Mist (1/2)

Chapter 558: Crossing the Mist

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After solving the problem of the sandscorpions, the trio did not encounter any other creatures along their journey in the Desert Xuan Ning no longer felt livelySha Ya looked pale, perhaps fro could tell that Sha Ya was afraid of him It was not the first time people looked at him this way Every time he used alchemy, people would be afraid of hi never ht the Desert was an uninteresting wasteland, but Ye Chong could study his surroundings with great detail and undivided attention

They ion of their journey Soround would sparkle with acould see that most of theood extraction technologies, the ores would be useless to him

There was a trend here that he had observed - the further in they went, the more e is the Mist,” said Xuan Ning Three days had gone past, and the shooter had now recovered hie white-colored rocky structure It was not tall, and had white jagged edges all over its bald surface It looked more like a small hill of about 300 e The structure extended for a very long distance like a natural barrier Huge rocks were randoe structure Many parts of the ridge were unsuitable for cli and Sha Ya, the , it was only a s's command, the Spider made its way quickly towards the hill

The Spider's eight legs allowed it to move across the uneven terrain easily Obstacles that were impossible for humans to cross were easily leaped over by the Spider

Xuan Ning could not help but felt emotional ”Machines are so powerful This Spider must be more valuable than 10 Level 8 shooters I wonder, were the decades that I spent in honing my parapsychic abilities all in vain? If I used all that ti, ould the outco, shaken by his words She found it hard to believe that a Level 9 shooter would say those words Shooters were h and deterer than common people However, the first Level 9 shooter in the past five decades, Xuan Ning, had justcomment Sha Ya found herself veryhas limitations This applies to machines as well as parapsychic abilities Your people understand too little about parapsychic abilities, and have not think of other ways to make use of them That is why you feel like this now”

”What other ways?” Xuan Ning was inspired by Ye Chong's words Sha Ya, on the other hand, could not keep up with the conversation

Ye Chong did not elaborate further He had to concentrate on driving the Spider

The truth was, he had long realized what he shared just now In terms of mental abilities, he had never seen anyone as powerful as the shooters of this world Even the fa Tribe fell short Nevertheless, the shooters used their parapsychic abilities in very li Tribe fared better in ter Tribe'sas shooters at Level 5 or 6, but they had already mastered skills such as ht with hiround in close quarters Unlike mentalists, shooters lost their couns

Besides, Xi Feng Tribe's people had excellent battle coordination strategies, second only to the Sang Tribe, as the result of theirTribe was only on par with a fresh Level 3 shooter in terth, but the former could use their abilities in more creative ways

When the Spider crossed the white rocky ridge, the environment around them transformed markedly

A thin purple e on one side The thin ht

The place had higher humidity compared to the Desert

”This is the Mist” Sha Ya said to Ye Chong when she noticed Xuan Ning was still deep in thought Ye Chong was the leader of their expedition to Darkniss He had also surprised Sha Ya with his deradually coroup of three

”The o on”

Ye Chong soon found that the light purple coloredsysteer clear If the ressed, then the Spider's holographic scanning systeer be relied upon

”There's interference here Both of you are in charge of security and direction I'll clear the path” Ye Chong ordered the two shooters like it was the natural thing to do

”Alright,” Sha Ya replied

After staying quiet for so long, Xuan Ning felt excited again ”Hah, this is what I've been waiting for There wasn't a chance to shoot since we first started, erly reached for the firearms control lever in front of his seat

Now that the two shooters were ready for battle, Ye Chong opened the hatch for the two laser guns they were controlling These laser guns were raded at 4 million Lux were considered quite powerful, but the Spider's laser gun could reach 12 million Lux They were powerful monsters Even an aircraft's laser cannon never exceeded 8 uns, could also swivel around easily

Ye Chong now had a Level 8 shooter and a Level 9 shooter behind his two very powerful weapons Surely they h for his own security

Here in the Mist, the ground began to feel uneven There were trees growing around the thicker, and the holographic scanning syste turned it off and switched to opticalremembered the purple mist back in Yi Ju The purplesyste to penetrate the purple gas cloud