Part 26 (1/2)

Clearing a patch of ground, he would place one chip to represent the judge--”big fella master”; a small chip would be His Honour's associate; twelve chips were the jury chip between two others was ”Boiling Doith attendant policemen, andarranged his properties, the boy would proceed

”Big fella uinty--you not guinty?' Me bin say 'Guinty!'”

At this point ”Boiling Down” invariably broke into such paroxsyhter that further utterance was impossible Often as he attes ended in such violent mirth that his hearers could not restrain thee that he looked upon the affair as the funniest incident of his life


A boy accustomed to see his ate instead of stopping to open it, tried to follow The horse cantered up grandly, seeather himself for the juate As he picked hilared back at the horse, saying--”You blurry liar!”


Out on a station in the Burketown district an athletic black boy was employed Trained by some friends, Charley developed such fleetness of foot that it was decided to enter him in sports which took place at Norht be properly surprised, it was planned that Charley should run into second place at Normanton, and that at Croydon all possible honours were to be his

I at Normanton, Charley was told that he was not to win, because his backers wanted to ood second most of the way, ood

Taken aside, his friends angrily remonstrated with him ”Look here, Charley, what's the matter? I bin tell you run second You co!”

”Carn help it, dick Carn help it Me bin bolt”


Miners in isolated ca paper is not always available, scribble their orders for rations upon hastily toins of newspapers A cute old black fellow named Bill who had frequently been entrusted with such notes and had borne away goods presented a scrap of paper innocent of writing at the store

”What? This fro one of his customers while he ran his eye over the paper

”Yowi! Tom bin make 'em”

”What this fella talk?”

”That fella talk plour; sugar, tea; two stick Derby,” and, as a brilliant after thought--”bottle ruht, by and bye,” remarked the storekeeper

The old e for the pledging of Tom's credit had failed, stole away, convinced no doubt that there was so of letters that he did not quite comprehend


A tracker, known as Billy Williams--who had passed out of the police service after ely to his burden of original sin and knowledge of English--stole a valuable dia froht before two justices of the peace, Billy pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to threehie reet three olly, Jack, me bin think me be disqualified for life”