Part 9 (1/2)

And with a squeak in chorus the choir disperses, to ain in a fewtree


Aptly iiven the naoody,” to a sedate little bird rarely seen away frole, and then only in the shadiest of bushes Many of the birds are distinguished and nao-bah”

describes the noisy pitta; ”Wee-loo” the stone plover; ”Coo-roo” the tranquil dove; ”Piln-piln” the large-billed shore plover; ”Kim-bum-broo”

the fasciated honey-eater; ”Calloo-calloo” the er-roo”

the varied honey-eater, and so on

”Moor-goody” (shrike thrush) has the eneral lahich forbids beauty to sweet-voiced birds, is soberly clad in two shades of brown, cinnaraceful fore and singularly tender and expressive Often ter in a silvery chirrup, the note, varied withsoftness, is exceedingly pleasing, the expression of a bird of refine at frequent intervals froo trees or acalypha bushes, and wheresoever foliage is thickest, the sound is alelcome, as it tells of some of the most desirable features of the tropics--quiet, coolness, and the sweet security of shade It tells, too, of the simple life spent in seclusion in contradistinction to the ”envious court” of the roysterers in the glare of the leafless flame-tree


A final note in reference to the flame-treeSeptereatest variety and nuated there at one and the same ti:--

Sulphur-crested cockatoo, Honey-eaters (varied, fasciated and obscure), Friar Bird (two species), shi+ning Calornis, Drongo Shrike, White-rumped Wood S, Australian Bee-eater, Black-headed Diamond Bird, Sun-bird, Pied Caterpillar-eater

Honey-eaters were represented by a dozen or more; but were not so numerous as the sun-birds, which were difficult to accurately enuhtly behaviour Next ca calornis (about ten), friar birds (about eight), wood ss (six, all in a row--a band of white a the red flowers); bee-eaters (about the sa places and varying nuht am This hour may seem late, in consideration of fahest peak of the island, and consequently does not receive the earliest of the benedictions of the sun Birds coular pulsations Their presence is constant, but their number variable Comparative silence may exist for an hour or so after the first joyful feast of the day, to be broken by quite a gush of the sounds of revelry, and then the tree becoo-round


To the manucode is ascribed practical interference with the laws of Nature This handsoe, co to the pleasant sounds of the jungle a loud rich note, which closely resembles the frequent repetition of the name bestowed upon it by the blacks, ”Calloo-calloo” As are its visits so are its notes--casual, co spiral sound Its advent is hailed with satisfaction, for the belief exists that it causes the bean-tree--the source of a row in, for shortly after the bird's first fluty notes are heard the bean tree blosso the promise of plenty While here, the ”Calloo-calloo,”

is re out of the seclusion of the thickest jungle, and warning off intruders with a curious note of alar corcorax puts in an appearance the blacks lift up their eyes unto the hills, firm in the faith that the birds cause in theht, or to put it in the vernacular--”Look out

Mountain jump up little bit!” When the flaeon, when eggs and dainty young are to be obtained with little trouble

Yet another red-letter ti season of the terns Then the fancies of the blacks lightly turn to thoughts of ”Tan-goorah” (bonito) and other strong-flavoured fish So that the young shall not lack, nor suffer hunger, the hatching is coincident with the appearance of i fish which the bonito perpetually harass, driving them to the surface for the terns, with sharp screa, far-leaping fish, and the agile, acrobatic birds, the existence of the small fry is one of perplexity and terror

Six species of tern take part in these gyrating, foraging cans

Three show almost purely white as they fly; the others, less nu in position and in poise--so for it with every fraction of brake power exerted in beating wings and expanded tail, soh a fluky start, so away (after a spas slips of silver--the perpetual whirl keeps pace with the splashes of the bonito and the ripples of the worried small fry

Could they enjoy the satisfaction of the fact the little fish er when the terns are called upon to exert all their agility and tricks, vainly endeavouring to elude the long sliate bird

This tyrant of the upper air observes, as it glides in steady, stately circles, the noisy unreflecting terns, and with arrow-like swiftness pursues those which have been successful Dodge and twist and double as it may--and no hare upon land is half so quick or resourceful as the wily tern in the air--the frigate bird folloith the audacity and certainty of fate, until flustered and frightened the little fish is abandoned, to be snapped up by the air-ranger before it reaches the sea As an exhibition of fierce and relentless purpose, cohtliness and activity, the pursuit of a tern by the fearless frigate bird, and the i fish, cannot betern mark the movements of the distracted shoals, the blacks in canoes fit in to the scheeneral toll So preoccupied are the bonito, that they fall a comparatively easy prey to the skilled user of the harpoon Sharks continue the chain of destruction by dashi+ng forays on the bonito, and occasionally ed hither and thither by the frightened but still vicious fish, the black, endoith nerve, then enjoys real sport Not the least in dread of the shark, his only fear being for the safety of his harpoon and line as the lithe fish leaps and snaps, the black plays with it until it subs on the coral banks also make an item in the blacks' bill of fare; while the frantic little fish hustled towards the shore are captured by the rass and beach trailers


These observations of mine are adle bird or insect has been sacrificed to prove ”facts” for personal edification or entertainment Cases in which points were inconclusive have been allowed to remain undecided The face of the adainst the enforcement of the death penalty, simply because the subject is beautiful, or rare, or ”not understood” With the aid of a good telescope and a colasses, birds may be studied and known far more pleasurably than as stark cabinet specimens, and, perhaps, with all the certainty that the ordinary observer needs Patience and a lass put less constraint on insects than lethal bottles and pins

An observer as prepared to satisfy doubts with the gunup the Bird Census of the island to one hundred and fifty Such a onehow much more than a seventh of the birds of Australia dwell upon or visit the spot The present era of strict non-interference has resulted in an increase, however sone by but two species of sea-birds nested on Purtaboi, now at least six avail thee

Birds that were driven to remote reefs and banks of the Barrier now make the distance

Tidings of goodwill towards the race generally are beginning to spread