4 Water supply (1/2)

*year: 2020*

*locations: ruins of Iloilo city*

*month: unknown*

*day: unknown*

*Time: early morning*


ignoring the System for now, Neo hurriedly tried to seek his sister.

”brother...Neo?” but before he could even take a single step, a voice his young sister, rings from the building.

after hearing his young sister, Neo turned his head toward the building and answered ”im here!”

”brother....where are you?” Alice yelled again.

”Alice, i'm outside the building” Neo answed, while trying to clean the dried blood in his face. Neo also felt that his wound was somehow stitched to stop it from bleeding, so he guessed that her sister must have did it.

the sun can finally be seen from the horizon, when Alice crawled from the gap of the collapsed ruins

and as soon as she saw her brother on the top of the rubbles, staring warmly at her. Alice could not hold her tears any longer, as she rushed forward to where Neo is sitting.

”brother” Alice hugged his brother. ”i thought..sniff... you will ..sniff..be gone ...sniff..forever!”Alice said with shaking voice, while crying from joy.

Neo smiled, as she patted his sister's head gently to comfort her, ”little Alice, im glad you feel that way but..please... my back wasn't healed yet.”Neo said . because his sister his hugging his waist tightly making his wound sting a little.

”i don't care!, you deserved it for making me worry!” Alice said as she puffing her cheeks, while she continued hugging her brother.

ignoring the little discomfort from his wound, Neo asked gently ”when did you learn to stitch wounds?”

” few months ago, learned from watching, Miss Jessica when she was healing wounded people” Alice answered chearfully, but then a trace of sadness suddenly paints her face. ”i wonder if, she survived” she,murmured.

Jessica was one of the nurse, in Final Hope Fortress A3 which only have 3,450 survivors. she's was a young woman the same age as Neo, she got long blond hair, petite body, and pretty face”

its been 1 year ago, since Neo and Alice first arrived in LHF-A3, in the lublub valley, one of the last 3 surviving Fortresses in the Visayas island in the Philippines, when there previous home LHF-A5 in Tambobo, was destroyed by hords of monster,

when Neo and Alice first arrived in LHF-A3 . After traveling with a truck with the other few survivors of LHF-A5, they are greeted by the doctors and nurses of the LHF-A3 in the Lublub Valley, one of the nurses that took care of them is Jessica.