31 Twisted Emotion (1/2)

Hollywood Delight Erosire 34080K 2022-07-20

Apparently, the System just trolled you with an empty chest.

Or perhaps, you are unlucky enough to get an empty chest as a random reward.

This mean that the random reward the System gives can also be no reward at all.

If you have known what is inside the chest without opening it, you could sell the chest to a pawn shop for some quick bucks.

It was made of solid gold, so it should worth something – until they open it.

You might bring unwanted attention to yourself when that happened.

Perhaps it is a good thing that the chest vanishes.

Anyway, seeing that there is no use crying over spill milk, you got out of your car and entered the pizza joint to have dinner as it is getting late.

The restaurant is packed with people – mostly family.

You find a vacant table and then order your favorite pizza.

A teenager takes your order. ”It will be 30 minutes wait.”

You didn't mind the wait, and you didn't pay attention to him any further.

As you wait for your dinner, you scrutinize the nearby families carefully. Most of them have red strings coming out of their body, connecting to another person.

That just means they love and care for each other a lot.

You did notice some strings have a hint of yellow, partial yellow or fully yellow. This is likely the owner of the string feeling fear or wariness to a person.

This is very evidence in several children. They have these kinds of string, connecting to their father or uncle or older brother.

You know that you can manipulate these strings, by pulling or tugging on them physically. You have accidently tested this on your mother.

Doing so has jolted her affection for you.

It also confuses her emotionally, diffusing lust and love. At least, that is what you theorized from what you saw last night.

You want to confirm the theory.

You also wonder if you can rip the string – and you wonder what would happen if you did something like that?

You need some test subjects, hopefully ones that won't cause a lot of troubles down the road.

Before you hunt for your preys in the restaurant, your phone rings.

Mark is calling, so you answer the call as it is likely about Michael Bay. You are very interested in having him on your crew as an explosion expert.

”Hey. So, I call Michael and ask if he could meet up and discuss some business venture together.”

Mark pauses for a moment.

”He's somewhat skeptical, but he agrees to meet us… for a movie. It's the newest Terminator movie that just came out. You know, the one with Sylvester Stallone in it. A few of my friends will be coming as well. I'm assuming you want to come, right?”

You reply that you would.

”Great. Oh, bring some girls if you know some. Hot ones.”

You assure Mark that you will try to bring some girls.

After Mark hangs up, you place your phone on the table and have a thought about Terminator movies of this universe.

Its name remained unchanged as well as its director, being James Cameron. However, its lead actor is not Arnold Schwarzenegger. Instead, it is Sylvester Stallone.

This mean there is no iconic moments like ”I'll be back”.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is not a prominent actor in this universe. He remains mainly as a professional body builder.

This also mean some of Arnold's movies didn't exists like The Last Action Hero.

In fact, a lot of movies you know from your previous life weren't released when they are supposed to or forever in production hell.

Home Alone is an example.

The movie should have been released last year, in November 1990. It is still in production as far as you know, but in fact, the production has stopped just a couple of months into the filming, and the entire project is shelfed afterwards.

Disney has something to do with Hughes Entertainment filing for bankruptcy.

Since you love seeing Arnold as the Terminator, you make a note in your mind to go grab Arnold when you have a chance.