8 Your First Scrip (1/2)
Ignoring what had happened on the first day home and the growing awkward situations between you and your mother, you unpack all your luggage and store your life-time treasures in your room.
You then borrow a typewriter from the storage and setup a temporary studio in one of the available study rooms.
Your mother didn't mind you, but secretly, she is happy that you are so focus on your dream. She went to work as usual, but before she did, she told the housekeepers to give you whatever you need.
As you sit in front of the typewriter, you begin to think of what kind of movie to choose. There are so many great movies in your memory, but it has been a long time since you had lived in the other world.
If it wasn't for an explosion on filming set in your previous life, you wouldn't be here right now.
However, since your brain isn't a computer, many of the things you remembered have already become blurred, even those Hollywood movies that took a lot of time and energy to study. Even if you could remember the main plot clearly, the details are almost forgotten.
This is especially true for movies that you have only seen only once or twice.
Your experience is also severely lacking. While you have studied for more than 20 years in filmmaking combined from both lifetimes, you haven't really directed any film projects yourself. Therefore, you are a complete novice at being a Director.
And according your mother, the chances of getting an opportunity in Hollywood is very small, almost non-existence to those without connection. Luckily, you have a connection – via your mother and her advertisement company.
That aside, you must think very carefully what film you should be aiming for, considering your skills in photography and editing process. The film's genre should also be popular in Hollywood during 1991 to 1992.
That mean romantic comedy or action movies!
Romantic comedy can be discarded immediately because you never good at romance. It explains why you haven't had a girlfriend in like forever.
Sure, you have plenty of sex during high school and college, but sex and romance are a very different thing.
That would leave you with action movies!
Your mind immediately tries to recall names and general plots of several movies. You began trotting down whatever comes to your mind, such as perspective of the plot, lens usage, actors acting, lighting set, post-editing, dubbing sound tracts, props etc.…
The housekeepers come and go from your room, bringing you foods and coffees. You ignore them as you completely focus on your task.
After a few taxing hours and a lot of coffees, you have plenty of films from your list to choose from as your first script. However, there is a nagging problem in the back of your mind.