Chapter 72 – (4) The Result Of The Bet (1/2)
Chapter 72: (4) The Result of the Bet -4
Theenough for 100 people
“Gu Jaho-”
Lee Jinuk called the roll, looking at the attendance book His eyes were momentarily fixed at a familiar
“Park Jinsung… he was absent during the first week!'
Of course, the first as about changing courses, so it was okay to be absent during that time It
didn't have any effect on the grades
However, students aled classes of their major, so they usually came to the first
class Jinuk was slightly angry, ‘I have even threatened hi the vacation, he must be here
Jinuck looked around and called Jinsung
“Park Jinsung-”
The room was quiet
Jincuk called again as he couldn't believe it
“Park Jinsung? Is he absent?”
But then, the back door of the classroom was opened, “Yes! I am here!”
Everyone in the room looked at him
He looked pale and had dark circles that almost reached his chin
He was alht he was pathetic
“Don't make a fuss, sit down”
Jinuk glanced at Jinsung and resu the roll
Jinsung breathed heavily as if he had run all the way to the classroom He went to Yuhyeon and sat
next to him
Yuhyeon whispered at him, “At least you came today”
“Hu! I am not that hopeless”
Yuhyeon talked back He couldn't agree to that at all, “You are not hopeless so you didn't come to
school for three days this week?”
Jinsung had been absent for three days after the changing courses week ended, so Yuhyoen was
right at scolding him
However, Jinsung said solemnly, “I had a reason”
“What reason?”
Instead of answering, Jinsung took out his smartphone out of his pocket
“It was all for this”
On the screen was a screenshot of Jinsung's character with Ian's statistics
Yuhyeon checked it and his eyes got as big as baseballs
“What?! you are Lv 93?!”
He was so shocked that he almost spoke that loudly
The classroo because the course was mandatory for all students of the major, so luckily
professor Lee Jinuk didn't hear that
“Haven't you seen this? I areat”
Yuhyeon couldn't even respond to Jinsung's bragging He just blankly stared at the screen
‘Lv 93… I am just over Lv 100 now…'
Yuhyeon was now at Lv 100
He had thought he gained a lot of levels during the vacation
Still, Jinsung had alht up with him He only had 10 more level-ups to do
‘What was my level when he reset his character?'
He couldn't recall exactly, but it had been about 80
Yuhyeon shook his head
Even if Yuhyeon had played otten extra stat points with the
reset, his level-up speed was incredible
Jinsung would catch up with Yuhyeon's level in no time!
“You monster…”
Yuhyoensmiled, “Just say you are jealous”
Yuhyeon admitted, “Yes, I am jealous Ha…”
Lee Jinuk started his lecture after finishi+ng calling the roles
And, as soon as the class began, Jinsung fell asleep on his desk
‘You have played like a … so, of course, you are tired'
However, when the class was about to end…
Jinsung ‘miraculously' woke up
“What, why did you wake up? Did you have a nightmare?”
Jinsung didn't even care about Yuhyeon's sarcastic comment He just took out his smartphone
Yuhyeon watched Jinsung with interest
‘What is he doing?'
Jinsung tapped on his sain
‘Is he looking at it again because he is so proud of it?'
But then…
Jinsung sent the ie to someone!
Yuhyeon unintendedly checked as the receiver He was then shocked
“Dude! What are you doing! Are you still sleeping?”
“What are you talking about? I am perfectly fine”
“You are perfectly fine and you just sent a screenshot of the game to the professor?”
Yuhyeon didn't know about the bet between Jinsung and Jinuk so, to hi just appeared to be
However, Jinsung just kept s
Then, professor Lee Jinuk's smartphone, which was on the teacher's desk, vibrated Next, the
professor stopped to check his phone
“Hey, he just saw that! What are we going to do?”
“Stop worrying and pack your things The class will be over soon”
As Jinsung said, the class was about to end
Five minutes later…
Yuhyeon looked and sighed at hearing Jinuk's last words
“Well, that is all for today You can leave now Park Jinsung, you stay here”
Jinsung was ‘dragged' to Lee Jinuk's office after the class He was sitting on the sofa triumphantly
Jinuk sat on the opposite side and was sipping from his teacup
A while later, Jinuk spoke first, “That ie you sent me Explain”
“It is the statisticsof my Kailan character You told me you are a Kailan user, too, so you must
have recognized it”