Chapter 351 - Appearance Of The Fusion Class – 2 (2/2)

Ta Master Park Taesuk 37010K 2022-07-20

Cooldown - 15 minutes

Duration - 5 minutes

Terms of Use

- It can be used when the Warlock mentioned in the contract is in the party

- Can only be used within 10 seconds of death

- Can only be used once while in a 'Party state'

It is the ability to recapture the soul of a target that has depleted all its vitality and is in a state of 'death' (Including User)

The Recalled Soul gains 125 of the targets original abilities and turns into a state of 'Bloodlust' (Bloodlust state: all movements and attack speed will increase by 60)

The user controls the recalled target and uses the skills that the target possesses, and can control all the objects that are deeet (However, no skill of the Devine series can be used If the target dies or the duration expires then all the objects and effects related to the target will disappear)

As proficiency increases, the number of attributes of the summoned soul will increase

As the skill level increases, the duration of the skill increases

If a user is suiven regardless of the summon

In its current state, the Dark Recall skill wasn't of eneral to unique didn't mean much, and only one hero ranked could be summoned

It was a skill that would be effective only after reaching Level 5

However, the 'Soul Recall' was different

It was because this was a skill that could be applied to major classes such as Karceus or to retainers like Kaizer and Pauline

In the case of faave the merit to immediately recall the pets before their death

However, even if it meant the death of a fae to defeat their opponents in a battle

'Besides, it can be used to users too…!'

Ian liked that part the most

It was because Ian had always been very frustrated every ti thing he experienced hen a ranker with good specs and rank had to die without using the fullest of their abilities

Besides, except for the divine skills, all the other skills could be used and that was still treood

This was surely an inefficient skill for those users who couldn't control their character's abilities properly

Hoonie spoke to Ian with an excited face

”With this skill, I'll be able to use Ian hyung's character too, right?”

It was impossible to control the character of another person in the virtual reality game—Kailan

However, with this skill, it would be possible to control Ian's character, as now the 1st ranker and the strongest user

However, Ian laughed at Hoonie's childish wish

”Huh? You think that's possible?”

”Why? It's written here It applies to users!”

”Hoonie, have you ever seenwhat Ian just said

”Hyung, it is alright to die like once a month you know?”

”I hate it, idiot”

”Then how about once every twoup—sat down and studied the skills thoroughly

While in combat, the 'Soul Recall' skill couldn't be used immediately, but the 'Dark Recall' skill could be used ies ca the fusion class and fusion skill

[Herz: Jinsung-ah, are you busy now?]

[Fiolan: Ian, what are you doing now?]

The Kailan servers were full

All the traffic on the page had been flooded because of the Lotus Guild, and there was an additional bomb like issues

What was the explosive issue?

The appearance of new content that wasn't even pre-announced

Thankfully it wasn't in the official cos of various coames

And the contents were…

- Lol… Haha… LB is really a… Haha Don't they need to announce it in public when new content is being added? Whatever… they are at the top in the uess?

- I think so too, LOL, they are in a different class To e contents and open the

- Maybe the publicity team wasn't made aware by the development teaah publicity

- There is no need for such publicity, this is Kailan

Praising Kailan were the first cos The other couy is this Ian?

- Exactly what I wanted to say Does he play 24 hours a day and try to clear all of the contents?

- Hmm… will it be possible to do in 24 hours?

- Lol Do you think that it will only take that long to finish the contents of that gaaaest ti about That's all in the past…

- It wasn't uncoames to be as influential as Kailan With the saaht Once a character is at the top ranks then there is a rule… that is to continuously move forward no matter what to maintain the character's level No exceptions

- Guys, Ian can't be judged by the standard of coive They need to consider how ain admiration and controversy started because Ian's nae

Sometimes, the name KanjiHoonie would appear in the coht that the Warlock was fortunate enough to be known because of Ian

Thanks to that, Hoonie as reading the co's name the only ones that can be seen here!”

Honestly, it was Hoonie's fault

In the concept of keeping ' in the private


So there weren't that many people who knew Hoonie

The few people who knew Hoonie were the one he partied up with or watched his perforher than the other warlocks, was unable to get recognition

”Wah, should I releasetoo?”

This time, Hoonie wanted to boast to his school friends


”Nope, Ian hyung has becoh his rank is still in private? I'm a mystery, and I will surely beco

But then,

He heard a familiar voice from the other side of his room's door

”Hoonie-ah! Dinners ready!”