Chapter 31 (1/2)

Chapter 31 – Dawn

The next day that Nanase-san stayed at our house, Thursday

Nanase-san is returning to the castle since she has a business to take care of

「Thank you for the last night I becahtly more comfortable」

I exchange words with Nanase-san at the entrance

「N You are welcome…… fa……」

「You look quite drowsy」

「Un Can’t be helped」

A wry smile floats on my face after I yawn

There’s only one reason that I’ sleep

I couldn’t fell asleep because I was holding Nanase-san’s hand last night

I wasn’t able to fall asleep sinceof my heart

I think I eventually fell asleep when the daybreak’s approach

It felt like falling asleep after a late night at a school trip

「Don’t over do it, okay? It’s important to take a rest」

Nanase-san who says anxiously looks refreshed compared to me

Like an evil spirit escaped from her body

「N~ it’s not like I can’t move and since the staff isn’t used to the work yet, it’s not like I can……」

「What will happen if you collapse, Ka from overwork is preposterous」

「…… Maa, certainly」

Health ement is also part of the work

Should I take a break for half of a day?

Let’s idle around during the

「Nee, Kamijou-kun」


「That…… I would like to talk again if there’s opportunity, could I visit the Onsen again?」

Nanase-san asks while fidgeting

Of course, I have no reason to reject

「Easty task You can visit the Isekai Onsen as a guest, or you can visit the church after the business ends like yesterday」


Nanase-san made a small triumphant pose


I feel that I have seen a lot of sht

She wastoday’s breakfast

「I should go Really, thank you very much」

She reluctantly lowers her eyes and then lowers her head

「Un Take care」

「Well then, see you later」

Nanase-san turns on her heel

That ht

──Uun…… you are wrong…… what I want to apologize for is……

「H, hey」

I call out to her

Nanase-san stops

「Yesterday, you were talking about apologizing……」

I may feel bad if I hear it

But, I asked anyway

Because I re like if a fish bone was stuck in her throat

Nanase-san doesn’t move

However, her fist shook a little

I was convinced that Nanase-san was resolving herself


「Did I say so like that?」

The profile of her face said that she will tell me at a later time

「You look gloomy, Takuma-dono」

「…… Eiri, huh」

Church’s backyard

After Nanase-san left, I still had soic Stones

「Are, Eiri Did you have ashi+ft today?」

「I don’t work, but I was entrusted by Liz to ask about the battle results」

「Ah, I see」

What battle results