Chapter 20 (2/2)
I feel momentarily crisis so I turn towards Tina
「I’s nodesu yo~」
Fuee says Tina and subed up to her nose
I calm down
「Uun, a naht as well come up with an easy to understand one that would leave an impression」
「Then, I have a proposal! Ultinarok!!」
「Too incomprehensible」
「I don’t understand what you just said nodesu……」
It can’t be blaanization I created in middle school
Rather, just howsense?
「How about Ergland’s hot springs… no that sounds too cheap」
More like…… piercing and straight…… once heard it would arouse one’s interest…… I would like a name like that
「Yes, yes nodesu! How about Fluffy fu Onsen!?」
「What’s with this flower field name It’s so pink it sounds scary」
「How about Indy Sting’s Journey Through the Deer Drive of Soaring Pleasure!?」
「I said it’s too incomprehensible!」
After that, the three of us were thinking hard, but couldn’t coood
Just before exploding fro too much,
「…… Isekai Onsen, how about that?」
It was as if so fell from the sky
As if the God residing at the top has dropped the name down at me
「I see, Isekai Onsen, huh Fuood, doesn’t it? I think it’s appropriate name for Onsen that Takuma-dono made」
「It’s easy to understand and sounds good nodesu!」
Oh, the reactions of the two are good
「Then let’s go with『Isekai Onsen』」
「「Agreed!!」 nanodesu!!」
Thus, the 『Isekai Onsen』 were joyously born
「Finally, huh……」
I mutter to myself at the balcony after the bath
My objective is realizing
I can finally share my loved Onsen with the people of this world
I cahts
However, there is still a mountain of problems
「Once we open, there will be a lot of difficulties, right~ The sense of value is completely different from japan and in the first place, there are races that are not human」
More than anything, I’m worried about the effect of Onsen
The Royal Castle et to know about Tina’s ounds which disappeared instantly
I must think carefully about what to say when the Royal Castle asks me about the Onsen’s effect
「Apart from that, I have to invite Nanase-san」
It has been a month since I promised Nanase-san to inform her about Onsen’s completion
I haven’t met Nanase-san since that day
The soldier in the charge of collecting has returned and the day with Nanase-san started feeling like a dream
But, it’s a fact that she left a strong impression in my mind
The cool, exceptional at studying and exercise, trusted by everyone, Nanase-san showedside
No, there were two or even three sides
Although Nanase-san was on s about her now
The last smile Nanase-san showed me was different from the usual
If I said I wasn’t captivated, I would be lying
Since then, Nanase-san’s ie couldn’t be separated from my brain
「Once the customer traffic calms doill invite you then~ I will have you relax outside of business hours!」
I felt my heart throb as never before
I determinedly looked to the direction of the Royal Castle