Chapter 11 (1/2)

Chapter 11 – Omurice

We three return to the church with the setting sun

Eirias has been just driven out from the apartment, therefore, she will stay in te church for a while

「We are back nanodesu!」

「This is our home」

「So sorry, not only you saved ive me a place to stay……」

「We don’t mind this much」

Rather, having one irl around, what kind of reward this is

I thank the God for this treatment wholeheartedly

「Does’t Taku perverted desu?」

「Do, do, don’t be so absurd!」

I avert aze from Tina

Is that because she’s young that she’s very sensitive or am I that easy to understand?

Let’s be careful as much as possible from now on, un

「By the way, Takuma-dono」


「Although it’s our first , would you please drop the honorifics?」

The sense of distance isher itchy

She’d like me to call her Eiri if possible

「Okay, I understand, Eiri I would also feel more comfortable like that」

「Ah, sorry about that, Takuma-dono」

「Hey, you will keep using the dono?」

Ah, well

I have a feeling that the htened compared to before

「Then, right to the subject……」


I heard cute sounds, different from Tina’s stomach from somewhere

「…… Though I was going to start, let’s eat first」

「S, sorry…… I didn’t eat anything since yesterday……」

「I can see that」

Theone’s stomach after all

You can’t fight the war on an empty stomach

I will let Eiri eat plentily so she can do a good work

「Takuma-sama! I want to eat the『Omurice』we had before!」

「Os left, let’s make Omurice then」

The stock of rice is h

Besides, after collecting seasonings, we have been able to get a sauce similar to ketchup

At this rate, the day I will find mayonnaise may be close

「Omu, raisu?」

Eiri tilts her head

「It a dish that consists of rice, chicken, onion, and ketchup wrapped up in a thin layer of omellete」

「Hou, rice!」

Eire has snapped

「Is rice perhaps Eiri’s country’s staple food?」

「Yes! Rice is our Yaend that God has infused his energy to every single grain and bestowed it to 800 million people」

「That’s too much of belief」

I wonder if Eiri’s birthday Yamato is similar to japan?

It also sounds i

「Takuredient taste delicious nodesu!」

「Hou hou, I will look forward to it」

「Wait Tina, don’t raise the hurdle」

Therefore, it has been decided that I will beOmurice

First, I cook the chicken and onion cut into s pan

I salt the onions after they become soft and throw in the cooked rice

I add the ketchup and after the chicken becomes nice in the color I sprinkle it with a black pepper

I stop the fire and divide it into a three bowls

With this, the foundation is done

The nostalgic sweet fragrance of ketchup is very appetizing

「I’ry nodesu!」

「What…… to use rice in such way……」

The brightness in Tina’s eyes increases, Eiri stares attechnique

I startthe omelet

I have to make it before the rice becomes cold

I put butter on the frying pan and let it spread all over the surface

When the butter s andpan

I wait for five seconds, then s

When it becomes half-cooked, I slide around it with a spatula

This is the most difficult step

When I did this for the first ti similar to blast hole from an explosion, but I’m able to do it quite well now

Cooking is fun, after all, un

「Conceal the tears with ketchup and…… done!」