Chapter 404 (1/2)

Qingfeng frowned and didn’t pay attention to any of the sales ladies since he didn’t think about buying either a gold or silver ring, he was looking for a dia would be s The diaevity A small piece of diamond could last forever as love could sustain for life Diamond is the symbol of love

All the sales ladies were disappointed after realizing Qingfeng wasn’t going to buy their rings

Qingfeng arrived at the dia department There were two sales ladies around twenty years old, one with long hair and another with short hair They both looked fairly pretty regardless of the length of their hair, since appearance was a must for a sales representative

”hello, sir How can I help you?” the long-haired girl said while putting on her red lipstick

Qingfeng was actually heading to the short-haired girl but he was, called by the long-haired one first Coirls even if they were the only ones in the diamond department

Both of them wanted to sell as much for their commission, but since the short-hair just started for a etto snatch -haired girl but didn’t say anything even though she was pissed since the long-haired one was always favored by the ood sales goals

Qingfeng took a quick look at all the dias and still didn’t find one he liked, he asked, ”Do you have any others besides these ones?”

”Absolutely, we have the treasure of the store, the tri-color diairl said

Diamonds were divided into different levels even with different colors The transparent ones, which were the white ones, were the ray and so on

The one carrying its , they are varied from tri-color, quintuple color, septuple color and so on

It was i actually appeared in a city like Eastern Sea

”Can I see what it looks like?’ Qingfeng s for Xue Lin for the wedding

”Sir, we only sell our colored dias to our VIP clients, could you show us your VIP platinuular rings in the store were for everybody, but the treasures of the store like the colored dia, were exclusive to VIP clients and could only be viewed and bought by them

”I don’t have a VIP platinum card”

”Well, sir, you can’t purchase our colored dia if you don’t have one Please select other types”

”No way, I want nothing else but the colored dia shook his head and replied

He had checked out the whole store and didn’t find any rings he favored, he only caot a bit , ”Sir, you’re such a stubborn head, you won’t be able to purchase the colored dia the VIP platinuular ring sections”

The long-hair treated Qingfeng politely since she thought he was soed her attitude after knowing he didn’t even have a VIP card