Vol 12 Chapter 2 (1/2)

Unlimited Fafnir Tsukasa 187420K 2022-07-20

Chapter 2 - Atlantis the Electronic Fairy

Part 1

A cohting filled the interior of Marduk

However, I already knew the internal layout like the back of my hand thanks to e in the top part of the shi+p's interior Every shut door opened automatically in response to my intention to open it

The bridge was a dohly ten es fros I took a look around and could even see Charlotte and the students at the harbor

Everyone was exclaiard's co officer, shi+nomiya-sensei walked over to the seat located at the front of the domed room

There was one seat in the very center of the doe This looked a bit few, but I knew clearly it was enough This shi+p could be used properly even if there was only one user linked to Marduk

”This is an Atlanean weapon, huh? Although you are able to control it without proble this shi+p? Though there is a console I cannot read the language at all I hope there is soard and NIFL”

shi+nomiya-sensei looked a bit troubled

”Oh—About that”

Although I could feel how things were used, articulating it was quite difficult At that moment, Tia poked out her head from beside me and answered on my behalf

”Don't worry, just let Tia do it! Leave it to Tia!”

With a flash of electricity from Tia's red horns, static appeared momentarily on the dome-shaped monitor

”Uh Hhly like this—”

Tiaaon the e on the console also turned into letters of the Latin alphabet

”Tia tried installing an Asgard-compatible virtual OS inside the Marduk System Will that work?”

After listening to Tia, Ren jogged over to the empty seat


Ren looked incredibly excited as she started to operate the console

”Mm Feels like it'll work I should be able to understand the entire syste the shi+p's drive syste up a comm channel should be instant”

Hearing Ren's reply, shi+noh of relief

”Excellent, then I would have a job to do Leave negotiations with NIFL to hly three hours from now, NIFL's forces at the first defense line in the Arctic Ocean will begin to engage Bahamut Will we make it in time? If not, then there is the second defense line set up in the waters of Norway—”

”It's fine, Marduk will definitely make it”

Sensing the shi+p's ”power” as though it were h time even if we traveled normally within the atmosphere If necessary, we could even exit the at a ballistic trajectory

”Very well, then let us set a course for the rendezvous point with the forces at the first defense line The coordinates are—”

After shi+noitude, Ren immediately operated the console to display the map on the monitor

From my senses, I learned that Marduk's systems understood that this was the destination

The mild headache persisted, but my expanded consciousness filled h I was capable of anything right now

”—Roger that Marduk, set sail”

Sitting on the seat in the middle of the room, with the best visibility, I increased the depth of ers, I retracted the gangway and locked the hatch Main engine ignited—The shi+p moved forward dead slow

Marduk began to launch slowly, gradually leaving the harbor

I turned on the external sound output to speak with the people seeing us off

”Well then—We are setting off”

Then I turned around and gestured to Iris and the girls with my hand

After showing a look as though awakening from a dream, Iris took a deep breath and yelled

”We're off!”

This triggered everyone else to say the usual parting pleasantries Yet to develop a sense of belonging at Midgard, Kili and Vritra did not join in, but they did not interject either

The bridgeaway

'—All of you must come back!!'

Waving her hand vigorously from the harbor, Charlotte's voice froe Then came the ”safe travels” ishes from the students to send us off

Once I decided there was sufficient distance froine output and took formal control of Marduk

On the sides of the shi+p, the ravitational control devices—

The video feed on the doard and the ocean were gradually receding away

Even though we did not feel any shaking at all in the bridge, Marduk had taken off and was already hovering in the air

Liberated fros to stabilize itself and switched to atht mode

”—Off we go”

I spoke briefly

The nited Acceleration began

Slight vibration was felt in the bridge Due to the rapid acceleration, the scenery flew past quickly Centered around our flight direction, the clouds were stretched radially into thin trails

Midgard was out of sight What extended before our eyes was the blue of the sky and the ocean, as well as the white clouds, drawn out and receding to the back

With the blue horizon as the destination, the shi+p flew Once cruising speed in the atainst the seat rest

”Phew Now all that's left is to fly straight towards the destination”

Persistent control would increase the burden on the mind excessively, so I reduced my synchronization with Marduk and switched to auto-pilot otten while I was concentrating, resurfaced, causing me to shake my head

”Good work, Mononobe-kun You really nailed that captain feel”

Firill ehed mischievously

”I'm just the pilot shi+nomiya-sensei is the captain”

I replied wryly and shi+nomiya-sensei looked back

”No, regarding this shi+p, you are the captain I am just the communications officer”

”I'm the sysadmin”

Staring at theaway at the console, Ren re her head

”Then what about us?”

With nothing assigned to her currently, Iris brought a finger to the side of her mouth and cocked her head


After Ariella spoke, shi+on asked Jeanne:

”cRehAt DoEs cRew dO?”

”Uh, let me think People who do all kinds of work on a shi+p I suppose?”

However, Kili shrugged after listening

”But is there any work to do here?”

”Know that I have no wish to do work”

Vritra frowned and objected to working Looking a bit exasperated, Lisa asked me:

”I shall do everything withinI can offer assistance with?”

”No—Not at the hly two and a half hours to reach the destination Lisa, you girls need to rest properly in preparation for the upcoht sides of the corridor leaving the bridge I'll unlock them now, so all of you can pick whichever cabin you prefer”

I focused my mind and opened the doors to the various cabins

The Atlanteans were huh the data in my mind, I verified the cabin layouts They were equipped with beds and showers

”Understood So et to sleep well Let us take a quick nap to refresh ourselves”

Lisa nodded and left the bridge with the others Only Mitsuki re at me

”Nii-san What are your plans?”

”I'll stay here I can't relax tooMarduk”

”I see—Then I will share a cabin with Iris-san It would be best for me not to be alone”

With a disappointed look, Mitsuki left the bridge Did she intend to have a ithif I should chase after her, but it felt like I'd —So I stayed in my seat

Only three people re Marduk's syste NIFL, and myself


Even though I could not relax tooin particular forset up Marduk to fly towards the destination at a constant speed, all I needed to do was maintain the link

No—Perhaps I could even take a nap

The people piloting this Marduk in the past could not have worked nonstop without sleep or rest However, piloting information was separate from the data on the shi+p's structure, so it was all unknown to h I could feel how to activate Marduk, I had no idea how the pilots regulated their own conditions

That being said, atteerous All I could do ait for Ren's analysis to finish then see if there was some kind of manual related to that

I suppressed a natural yawn

Having slept on a sofa last night, I would slip into drowsiness as soon as there was nothing to do Auto-piloting had lessened radually improve I could very well fall asleep accidentally for real

Ren and shi+nomiya-sensei seemed quite busy, so I was reluctant to talk to thee of pace

My only choice was to look up at the do past


After spacing out for a while, this thought crossed my mind

I had told Iris everything Spending tiht possibly panic

Suddenly at that moment, my vision turned blurry then within the blink of an eye, the view in front of ed completely


I saw one of the cabins I had opened up for the girls just now Inside a narrow roole occupant, there was a bed, a table and a shower co on the bed while Mitsuki had her laptop open at the table

”Iris-san, you should lie down I have slept plenty enough, so let me first take care of some student council work that had been pushed back due to the festival yesterday”

”Mitsuki-chan, even now, you're still working hard at finishi+ng your work as the student council president? You're so a”

”Not really, I ae of pace—”

I was able to listen to their conversation

The view point was looking down at Iris and Mitsuki fro But of course, I was not actually there and neither did they notice me

—Were these ies transmitted to me from Marduk?

I was currently linked to Marduk and through my senses, I was able to know the entire shi+p's state and method of operation

Due to being in this state, that was probably whyinside the shi+p had caused the relevant scenes to be visually projected into , it wasin es

This was totally voyeurism I frantically tried to pull hts halted when I heard so Iris said

”Mitsuki-chan, is 'instinct' not acceptable for you?”


Mitsuki stopped what she was doing and stared at Iris in surprise

”Sorry Mononobe told me”

”Is that so?”

Iris apologized then Mitsuki bowed her head somewhat embarrassedly

”U-Umm, this is what I think Isn't instinct the source of all feelings, like being hungry, wanting to sleep, or liking someone? So if you say that's unacceptable, how should I put this?”

The atrew more and more heavy as Iris continued anxiously At this h

”—Thank you for your encouragement, but this is not the same”

This was a very transparent but very sad smile

”Not the same?”

”Indeed Iris-san, of course I have already agonized over what you were talking about, but what makes me truly afraid is—”

Mitsuki simply bit her lip with a very pained expression and did not finish her sentence Seeing the look on her face, Iris stood up from the bed and rushed over to her side

”N-No ”


I didn't know either as torraceful

”Do not let it bother you If you are going to take a nap, how about a shower first?”

Mitsuki shook her head and urged Iris as though trying to change the subject

”Sure Oh, in that case, we ether! Mitsuki-chan, you haven't had a bath since last night, have you?”

”I have not, but showering together should not be necessary”

Mitsuki hesitated in the face of Iris' sudden suggestion, but Iris clenched her fist and insisted vigorously

”It is! This is definitely e of pace, then fun is obviously the answer! Coo! I'll help you undress”

Saying that, Iris helped Mitsuki up and untied the ribbon at her collar

”W-Wait! I can do this by myself—”

Mitsuki was very surprised, but I was equally flustered

Although it was bad to eavesdrop up to this point, watching the rest would be truly unforgivable

I tried to turn my attention elsewhere, which hopefully would switch the video feed

—Another room, anywhere but here!

Pale skin ca of buttons at the collar—Just as I tried aze, the two of them disappeared from view

However, I was still looking into a cabin on the shi+p My consciousness was hovering near the ceiling and I could see Firill lying forward on the bed, reading a book


Firill chuckled happily to herself while turning the pages

It looked like my viewpoint had switched to Firill's cabin

This was not good either I should switch to either an unoccupied cabin or back to the bridge next

I focusedto switchHowever, Firill's kicking legs entered a corner of my view

While reading, she was slowly kicking her legs up and down alternately With her socks taken off, her calves were erous

Due to the s, the he her underwear No, if I changed the angle, perhaps I could—

—Hey, what the heck a!?

I cahts, forcibly hs

Next, the view changed again Apparently, the thought of shi+ftingthe viewpoint

But the next one was still a cabin occupied by one of my companions

Ariella was silently doing push-ups Strength training, I guess

In preparation for the iular training had the effect of cal one's mind I knew that all too well

”Mmm Hoo”

Regular breathing noises Sweat dripping fro up due to exercise, the hue of her skin looked even ulp

However, just as I noticed Ariella switching from push-ups to a handstand posture, I panicked

—H-Hey, if you go upside-down

Just as her slender legs were about to point up to the ceiling and her skirt would flip over due to gravity, I aze

Another change of viewpoint, but this tiet a chance to relax

”Mama, cAn'T taKe oFf”

”Try harder, Zwei If I always help you, then you will never learn how to unfasten your own buttons, you know?”

In the next cabin, Jeanne atching shi+on undress Like Iris and Mitsuki, they were probably going to take a shower

”goT it i'LL tRy mY BesT”

It brought a s her best to unfasten her buttons, but also e to help her

Jeannethe same, she extended and retracted her hand repeatedly In the process, she caan to remove her uniform shi+rt

”Look, Zwei Follohat I a”

Saying that, Jeanne began to unbutton her shi+rt starting from the top


As each button was unfastened,of her bust that was tightly constrained by clothing

After being told off by the girls previously, Jeanne stopped trying to hide the shape of her bust deliberately However, a male uniform was still a bit too restrictive for her chest

When the third button was undone, her cleavage becaaze drawn to it

”Uh Like Mama”

shi+on was staring at the motions of Jeanne's hands for reference, but it was difficult forJeanne expose her feminine body

—I've got to leave and switch to another room—

Using the saaze and consciousness Before the next ih-pitched voice sounded in my mind first

”Ahh, 'tis enough! I have stated I do not need a bath!”

”No, Mother Since you are currently unable to replace your body, you need to take proper care of your hair and skin”

A warzone of a cabin was projected intoall over the place, trying to escape Kili as trying to disrobe her by force

”Be that as itthe task alone—”

”If I leave it to you, Mother, isn't that the sa shampoo?”

”It entereth mine eyes!”

One of Vritra's shoulder straps had loosened and she was running around the room in a less than presentable manner InThe black dragon—”Black” Vritra—Where has its fearsoone off to?

—I'll pretend I never saw this

Making hter interactions that brought a smile to my face

The vieitched and the two of them disappeared This time, it was a cabin with an identical layout, but no one was there

I sighed mentally Finally, an unused cabin


Upon closer examination, I noticed a set of school uniform, properly folded on the bed, and there were faint water sounds and hu from the shower room

”Why are you~~ always so~~ reckless~~♪”

The pitch and melody were not very accurate and the lyrics were probably improvised

”I really wish~~ you could show some moderation~~ which is why I can't~~ leave you alone~~♪”

Did she feel inspired? The chorus part seeh spirits

This voice—Lisa's I could not be mistaken

”Before I knew it, someone like you~~ has taken over an important position in my heart~~”

However, this was really e

I had done so in the shoas usually kept for occassions with no one else present If someone heard me, I'd feel so embarrassed that I'd lock myself in the room for a while

Just as I was feeling guilty, the water stopped and the shower room was opened

My heart shook violently Now I realized it was no time to be laid back

White steaed naked from the shower room—


Although I knew she could not hear ized on reflex and closed my eyes

The sounds vanished instantly and I knew the scene had shi+fted again

I slowly and carefully opened my eyelids—those of my consciousness rather than my real ones

However, I could not see anything

I was surrounded by whitewater

—Where is this?

Just as I muttered in my heart, the mist moved—Then came a loud voice

”Oh—Yuu, what are you doing there?”

The water stopped and the ure came into view

Obscured by the mist was her naked body Only then did I realize I was inside the shower room

More surprisingly, Tia was looking up at me

—T-Tia? You can see me?

No one so far had been able to notice hts However, Tia nodded drasil's successor, Tia's ability to interfere with ”information” had probably allowed her to sense my consciousness that was synchronized with Marduk

”Of course Tia can see you Yuu Did you come to peek on Tia?”

Tia blushed shyly and used her hands to cover her breasts and lower abdomen

—No, I didn't do this on purpose! It's just that after linking with Marduk, ies from inside the shi+p have flowed automatically into my mind—

”Ies from inside the shi+p? So Yuu not only peeked on Tia but everyone else?”

—Urgh, well, although I didn't do it on purpose, that's what it ended up being

Unable to refute her, I admitted it After all, it was the indelible truth that I had peeked on everyone while they were unguarded

”Yuu, peeking is bad Even if it wasn't on purpose, you need to be punished for doing bad things”

Tia stared at me and spoke in Lisa's tone of voice

—Fair point

”So, coht away, Yuu, in your real body”

—F-Fine But how do I switch my viewpoint back?

”Tia will help you”

A flash of electricity sparked across Tia's red horns The blinding light ain, I was already back in e

Ren and shi+no at their positions in front and did not see away

I was slightly unsteady when I stood up There was a sharp pain throbbing in the depths of my head

Including the fact that I could not control my viewpoint, it looked like I had yet to master Marduk's control

Saying I was going over to Tia, I left the bridge

Along the sides of the passage, illuht, were a series of doors These were the cabins the girls were using

Which one was Tia's? Although I could find out ih ain Just as I was hesitating, a door opened autoh it had read my mind

I approached the cabin and peered inside from the entrance


I called her naot a response from the shower room

”Yuu, come in”

It looked like it was Tia's cabin I entered as instructed and the door closed automatically

”Uh, sorry for just now While you were showering”

Soized to Tia

”Tia is not angry, after all, you are Tia's husband But doing bad things means you have to be punished Tia ork hard too”

From behind the door to the shower room, I could hear Tia's voice not very clearly

In the past, Lisa had punished Tia to cleanse her of her guilt Tia wasthat scene, which hy she was i Lisa

”—Got it Then I' on you”

When answering, I prepared myself to be punched

”Then come over to this side”


This unexpected answer o off key I asked in puzzlement:

”Wait, Tia, aren't you in the middle of a shower?”

”Yes Which is why Yuu will help wash Tia's hair as punish just now Usually, Lisa does it But today, we are in separate cabins”

”W-Wash your hair—”

”You can't do it?”

Tia's question interrupted my attempt to refuse

”I can—But speaking of which, why did you pick separate cabins from Lisa?”

I needed some time to adjust my mindset, so I asked her a question


From Tia's whisper, I could hear hesitation and unease

The weakness in her voice made me realize that perhaps the reason why Tia had called me to her cabin was not only to punish me

Last night, Tia had extracted data on the seventh dragon froence of the Bahamut, we had not had time to ask her about the result

”Sorry, I won't complain I'll accept your punishment, Tia”

Deciding that noas the ti my uniform


I heard a happy voice behind the door

After undressing completely, I took the towel that was placed in front of the shower room and wrapped it around my waist, then nervously pushed the door open

White steam flowed out of the shower roohout the entire cabin With her hands over her privates, Tia looked up atintensely

”I-I' in”

”Please enter”

Tia nodded

I closed the door after entering The shower roo me and Tia to be in close proximity It felt like any movement would make us touch each other

Still running, the shower poured water over ht was just right, but it was too low for me

”Yuu Can you wash my hair?”

Fidgeting, Tia looked up and inquired with her gaze

”—Yeah Could you turn around?”

Although the fea serious face and used my palm to receive some shampoo

Tia turned around obediently In the process, her petite shoulder touchedboth of us to shudder

I convincedthen reached towards her blonde hair that was almost pink

Normally tied into twintails, her hair was let down and reached waist level Indeed, washi+ng it herself would be quite a hassle I now understood why Lisa helped out

”Then let's start”

I inserted entlysuds with the shampoo

”Fufu, this tickles a bit”

Her shoulders trehed

”Does it itch anywhere?”

I asked like an owner of a hair salon

”No, Tia's hair is washed clean every day, so it doesn't itch”

After listening to her, I continued to wash her hair carefully, but whenever ot shrill and excited

”Hyah!? Y-Yuu, don't touch the horns suddenly! They're very sensitive!”

Tearfully, Tia looked back and glared at me

”Oh—I see, sorry Then should I avoid the horns?”

”Don't worry Tia hopes Yuu can wash the horns clean too As long as you're gentle It's fine”

Making her decision, she turned her back to ain

”Got it Then I'll be entle—”

I gathered suds on ently

”Mm Ah—”

Tia trembled and moaned, but this ti

”Does it tickle?”