Vol 5 Chapter 3 (1/2)
”—What spectacular scenery”
Kili Surtr Muspelheim looked out to the epicenter of the blast and remarked
This was farmland on the border of Gerdrasil's arrival Right now, there was absolutely nothing
Whether abandoned faron in the shape of giant tree, nothing existed
Everything had vanished without trace, leaving a gigantic crater several kiloround to serve as evidence for a powerful explosion
”What on earth”
Jeanne Hortensia was ether with Kili, she was looking down fro at the crater in the distance
”Who knows Without witness the moment, all we can know is that this resulted frodrasil”
Looking at this scene which see out, Kili replied
”NIFL should have recorded what happened If we infiltrate a base again, perhaps weit?”
”Oh my, Jeanne-chan, that's so proactive of you, how rare But there's no need, because what's important is the outcome, not the process”
The wind blowing fro her hair to fly up Kili narrowed her eyes and answered
Hearing Jeanne's question, Kili nodded with a stiff expression
”Yes, whether Yggdrasil was truly destroyed—This is the only question of importance”
Ever since preparations for the school festival started, teeks had passed
Through continued practice, everyone's cooking skills were i bit by bit The ”fake couple” interactions betweenmore natural than before
The ordered supplies had also arrived at last, so Brynhildr Class startedcostumes in our homeroom classroom
”It's al paper”
Cutting folded fabric with scissors, I muttered
Although I was following pre-ine the full look of the finished garment
But once the cut cloth was spread out, the garment had definitely taken for pranks on me
”Feels unbelievable, doesn't it? That's why I loveclothes”
Sewing sleeves next toand remarked
”Yeah, I've discovered it's unexpectedly fun after doing it for real But by the way, I never knew you had tailoring skills, Firill”
I originally thought she would not have any tailoring experience just like with cooking, but Firill joined Mitsuki in directing theof costumes
”I learned about cosplay culture fro so obsessed”
Firill replied quietly with some embarrassment
”Really? Then you have a lot of clothes in your room that you made yourself?”
”Yes but I've kept it a secret from everyone so far, because none of them have met my standards However—If you're interested, I could wear them to show you?”
Firill leaned near me and whispered in my ear
Just as Firill's breath and words were ht blush:
”Many cosplay outfits are quite sexy So be prepared for your adrenaline to pump, Mononobe-kun”
”Uh S-Stop joking around with me”
I ih, I frantically shook my head
Firill leaned in closer
But seeing our interactions, Lisa scolded us with displeasure
”Hey, you two over there, cut the idle chatter and get back to work”
”Eh? Don't tell me you're jealous, Lisa?”
”O-Of course not!”
Lisa went red in the face and denied Firill's observation
”Hotten unusually close with Mononobe-kun”
”Nothing of that sort”
Lisa looked ahile answer Feeling embarrassed too, I scratched my face
Most likely, the results of our lovers training were showing up, but it was quite e for a classmate to point it out
”H from me?”
”No, that's—”
Essentially, we intended to reveal Lisa's request just before the event and ask for everyone's assistance But if we told the for the next teeks for sure
If possible, I wanted to delay announcing this Just as I was thinking of an excuse, news arrived
The door was forcefully flung open, drawing everyone's gaze
”Urgent announcement”
shi+no at all of us with a stiff expression, she spoke the shocking truth
”We just received a report frodrasil and Hekatonkheir—apparently disappeared”
”—Let , Hekatonkheir drasil This was confiro already But for the past twenty-years, Hekatonkheir has never on, hence, the e direction eventually”
shi+nomiya-sensei entered the classroom, went up to the lectern and started to explain
We paused in our dress intently to how the two dragons vanished
”But that prediction was off Hekatonkheir approached Yggdrasil Deciding this was an anoons”
Everyone listened to the teacher with serious expressions on their faces
But my mind was in a partial state of panic Cold sweat slid down my forehead
To s stood at thewithon
Getting a premonition that an irrevocable situation had occurred, I felt intense anxiety as a result
Noticing my anxiety from her seat on my left, Iris looked worriedly at me
I forced a smile to tell her ”I'm fine” and focused on shi+nomiya-sensei's explanations
”Then an hour ago, Yggdrasil started to attack when Hekatonkheir reportedly reached within two kilometers or so”
”Attack!? A fight between dragons!?”
Lisa cried out in surprise
It was only a natural reaction A fight between dragons—There was no precedent at all
”Yes Perhaps it was an act of interception against an invader of its territory, but in response to the attack, Hekatonkheir began to fight as well Despite getting skewered by Yggdrasil's branches and roots, Hekatonkheir still continued to advance Releasing a blinding flash of light, it caused a massive explosion”
”Meaning that Hekatonkheir detonated itself in a suicide attack of mutual annihilation?”
Mitsuki asked shi+nomiya-sensei in a hoarse voice
”That appears to be the case based on NIFL's observations, but what actually happened is still unclear However, as results stand, both Yggdrasil and Hekatonkheir vanished together This is the truth”
Hearing the teacher's answer, Mitsuki's face went stiff
”Considering past precedents, Hekatonkheir should not be regarded as destroyed”
”Indeed, we cannot reject the possibility that Hekatonkheir will reappear eventually But so far, there are no reports of its revival In other words, perhaps it is only a teons on Earth to threaten us”
Everyone gasped, then whispers started up in the classroom
Two dragons disappeared, ”Black Vtrita” —
Just as shi+no anywhere on the Earth to threaten us
”Although we cannot lower our guard, this incident should be considered advantageous to us If anything changes, I will inforo back to your school festival preparations”
After finishi+ng, shi+nomiya-sensei left the classroom in a rush She was probably very busy due to the incident
”Nii-san, I will go out for a short while too”
Mitsuki left as though chasing after shi+noation Squad, she probably wanted to get more details on the situation
”Sure I got it”
I answered absentmindedly but in her rush, Mitsuki ran out of the classroo was off with me
—Could this situation really be considered advantageous?
I looked up at the ceiling in the classroom and wondered
If Yggdrasil was huons, it was definitely advantageous But if it was standing on humanity's side, this would be a severe loss
If theus in a desperate crisis, I would not be able to rely on Yggdrasils power to obtain data on neeapons
Although this problem was also related to my memories, I intended to shelve the matter of my memories for now I could not honestly feel happy about the current developments
After school, Lisa and I were staying in the classroom as members of the festival executive committee as usual Today, there was the additional presence of Iris as well
”Speaking of which, Iris-san, you know about his ht?”
Seeing Iris with a serious expression, Lisa spoke as though it had just occurred to her
”Yes, so when I heard that Yggdrasil vanished I felt very worried Mononobe, are you okay?”
Iris stared at my face and asked me
”I haven't experienced any changes at all Even when sodrasil, I didn't notice anything”
To put Iris at ease, I smiled to her and told her I had no symptoms
Immediately, it was Lisa's turn to question me
”Did you try to sudrasil?”
”No, not yet, because you asked ht I'd discuss with you first, Lisa”
”A wise decision However, I believe we need to confir so it”
”Got it”
I nodded and called to Yggdrasil in my mind
—Yggdrasil, are you listening? Answer me if you are
But even after waiting a long time, no voice responded
”Doesn't see”
I shook my head and Lisa murmured with her arms crossed
”Then should we regard it as destroyed? If that were the case, then it proves that defeating Yggdrasil will not recover your memories”
”How can this be—then Mononobe will never recall his precious ain?”
Iris spoke, al like she was about to burst into tears
”I didn't say that Although it's true that options have been reduced, I will find a solution Iris-san, leave hisfor the school festival”
Hearing Lisa's assertion, Iris showed relief on her face
”Okay I got, but Lisa-chan—”
Iris paused here and stared at Lisa squarely
”I can't think of a way to recover his memories, so I have to rely on you, Lisa-chan—But I'll support Mononobe all the way!”
Pressured by Iris' forceful gaze, Lisa backed away slightly
”I'm the one that Mononobe entrusted histo you, Lisa-chan I'll try to do what's in my power”
Iris s and walked to the classroom door
”Whether it's about Mononobe or the school festival, let's do our best! See you tomorrow!”
Iris waved goodbye while Lisa answered in a slightly higher pitch I said ”bye” to her and waved
Only after Iris disappeared froht did Lisa exhale deeply
”She seeed”
”Did she?
I tilted ed in particular
”She did Until recently, she was gave off an air of unreliability and unsteadiness But now, I can feel strong willpower co from her”
”Strong willpower”
Perhaps I was the one who forced Iris to change in this way I could not help but feel guilty
Staring atmy attitude Then hesitantly, she said:
”Excuse me By any chance, are you and Iris-san—”
But Lisa halted mid-sentence and felll silent
”Are hat?”
Not understanding as up with her, I urged her to continue
”No—I'd better not pursue the irlfriend”
Lisa's answer sounded like she was trying to persuade herself Then she smiled somewhat forcibly
”Very well, let us get to work We will begin riting today's activity report”
Next, when sat in our seats with our shoulders touching, taking care of our jobs as executive committee members
Before I knew it, Lisa's body warranted Her war down my anxious emotions from the sudden incident
Part 3
”Then let us begin the third Ether Wind experiment”
The voice of the lab coat wearing Principal Charlotte B Lord was heard in the special underground training site below the school
I answered briefly and raised my left hand
—Fictional arfried
I raised the ornaet—
”What's the matter?”
”Isn't this scene too surreal?”
Looking at the giant frozen tuna on the target location, I asked her
”Shut up, I'hter too”
Shoulders and voice shaking, the principal replied
”Hey, you're already laughing out! Since you find it hilarious too, prepare so more normal, okay?”
”This can't be helped, because preparing a cadaver is quite difficult”
The principal shrugged and replied
”At least it's not processed food, so it's much better than last time”
After defeating Hraesvelgr, I had gained a new ability—the generation of ”Ether Wind”
Four days had passed since the report that Yggdrasil and Hekatonkheir had disappeared Today, it was the third experiment to test and analyze Ether Wind
Ever since it was confirr's ability, two experi teeks
But there was never a satisfactory result each time, because of the special properties of Ether Wind
”If the golden particles you create through transr's power, it ht be a medium for souls to manifest Since it's impossible to test this effect without the presence of souls, I prepared the largest dead body I could find so far Be grateful”
Pointing at the frozen tuna, the principal puffed out her chest and declared
Last ti building, but nothing happened Hence, this ti a frozen tuna that had not been processed yet
There was nothing wrong with this approach, but even though it was not wrong
”Why a tuna”
”I understand how you feel But iht cause unnecessary speculation a the outside world, so I decided to use tuna with its relatively large body size”
”In a case like this, wouldn't the size of the brain matter more for selection?”
”Don't be like that As an international organization, Midgard is under many ethical constraints We will face protests on many fronts if we used sapient creatures Also, if we use tuna, we'll be able to have a feast after the experiree?”
Seeing the principal licking her lips while she spoke, I slumped my shoulders powerlessly
”Now those are your true thoughts”
”Fufu, it's just a small reward Come, hurry and start the experiment”
I sighed and raised Siegfried again
Then focusing r's power
”Ether Bullet”
Turning the picture in er
The fired bullet of dark olden particles and covered the frozen tuna
If the tuna's soulthat, I observed the experiment's reaction
However, nothing happened The golden light faded and disappeared
”No good this tiher intelligence”
The principal remarked ruefully
”—Is that it for today's experiment?”
I put down Siegfried and asked but the principal shook her had
”No, there's soet into position!”
The principal shouted and the door to the training site instantly opened Mica-san appeared in her maid outfit
She strode over to the frozen tuna and stopped
”This time, fire at Mica”
I stared into the principal's eyes and wondered if she was serious
”I heard that during your battles against Hraesvelgr, there was one instance when you were enveloped in golden particles and unable to move This experiment will test if that phenomenon can be replicated”
”But suddenly experierous”
”Don't worry Mica is very strong”
I orried about Mica-san but the principal asserted with inexplicable confidence
”I will be fine Please do not hold back”
Mica-san herself was urging me with a smile
Despite clearly chosen as a test subject, she did not look nervous at all She was abnormally bold
”I got it”
Despite fried's muzzle at Mica-san
Since I absolutely ly er
The fired bullet turned into golden particles and covered Mica-san's body
”How is it, Mica?”
The principal called to her but she did not reply Mica-san's smile seemed frozen on her face
”—I' she's unable to speak Because ere hit by Hraesvelgr's move, we couldn't make a sound either”
I told the principal while observing Mica-san's condition
After a while, the particles faded and Mica-san immediately blinked
”Oh, I can move now”
Mica-san opened and closed her hand repeatedly while reporting to the principal
”Yes, the phenor was successfully replicated Although we have failed to confirm the power to manifest souls, this has raised chances that your power is of the sar's”
The principal nodded contentedly, patted me on the back and said ”Good work”
”What renificant factor of uncertainty Indeed, Basilisk's power still remains unknown”
Holding her hand against the side of herended the experiment, Mica-san approached and replied to the principal
”Yes Using the school festival as a pretext, we conducted a health exa the students' dragon marks”
”No visible changes in appearance That ht not even notice herself What exactly should we do?”
”Charlotte-sama, for example”
Seeing the principal and Mica-san begin a discussion, I asked them apprehensively:
”Uht? Since I still need to prepare for the school festival, can I leave?”
”Hot so else to tell you”
The principal halted her conversation with Mica-san and turned to me
”So else?”
Seeing the principal grinand asked her
”As Midgard's principal, I have a favor to ask of you You know that the school festival is held over two days, right?”
”Yeah, I know”
”The reason for having two days is to differentiate visitors People with intiard, privy to undisclosed secrets, versus the other group who are not These two groups cannot mix”
”That definitely make sense But what does that have to do with me?”
So there was that kind of reason behind it As anizer's side I did not think it had anything to do with me as an ordinary student
However, the principal shrugged in exasperation and sighed in an exaggerated manner
”It has a lot to do with you Have you forgotten how special you are? You are the only one verified case of a male D This has not been disclosed to the public yet and it is unknohat chaos ht result”
”Eh, really? But Firill's parents know about me”
The next king of the Principality of Erlia—Firill's father apparently heard ruht that my existence was already known to the outside world to some extent
”Firill Crest's parents, the royal family of the Principality of Erlia? Naturally, as ard, they htly involved with Midgard would never expect in their wildest dreams the existence of a male D, hence—”
The principal snapped her fingers Ih the door then swiftly brought so back
”We will concentrate all the people who don't know about you on the first day's invitations When the time comes, I want you to wear this”
The principal motioned to Mica-san with her eyes Instantly, Mica-san handed to ht
”The Acadeirl's!?”
Seeing the uniform I received, I could not help but scream
”Yes, it should fit you well because it wasto measurements the other day”
”That's not the issue here, why do I have to wear a female uniform—”
So that hy Mica-san wasthat, I tried to protest but the principal interrupted me in a forceful tone of voice
”Of course it is for you to disguise yourself as a fe you on house arrest for one day, I'd feel sorry for you”
”E-Even if that's the case”
Looking at the female uniform, I did not knohat to do
I on the uniform with a smile
”Don't worry, Mononobe-san, you have a cute face You won't be exposed as long as you pay attention to your voice and ”
Receiving such encouragement that I could not feel happy about, I slumped my shoulders in dejection
Seeing me disheartened, the principal patted hed
”I will issue orders to the entire student body beforehand to keep the truth of your gender a secret So relax and enjoy the school festival”
So all the students will know I' huh?
Feeling even hed
To be honest, being confined in a room would feel much better, but as a member of the festival executive committee, I must not take a break I was cornered
”Principal, let hwalker's be visiting?”
But this was a matter I must confirm in advance no matter what, so I asked the principal
”The Highwalker Group is one of Midgard's sponsors and their position allows them to know about you, so they will be invited to the second day However, your parents will be on the first day Even if they know you are at Midgard, they are still ordinary people in position I cannot allow them to mix with the second day's visitors”
”I see”
If I was allowed to show myself as a man on the second day, I should be able to play the part of Lisa's boyfriend
But on the first day, I must crossdress in front of my own parents That would be almost the same as torture
No But this could be ht?
To prevent ht, I must avoid contact with oal, I could apparently take advantage of the current situation
”Then do your best to prepare for the school festival Right now, there are no dragons targeting you lot Enjoy the festivities as much as you can”
Laughing jovially, the principal's shoulders shook
But after hearing her say that, s cooled down a bit
”Principal, do you believe that all dragons have disappeared?”
I was interested in her opinion as Midgard's chief administrator, so I asked
”Hon eh—”
Immediately, the principal smiled wryly for some reason then said:
”I cannot assert there are no ons”
”Perhaps Hekatonkheir will revive, or Vritra ht reappear”
I agreed but the principal shook her head
”That's not what I ht be other undiscovered dragons hidden in the world”
Hearing this unexpected answer, I could not help but gasp
”What's to be so surprised about? This shouldn't be anything ions? You can't understand that either”
”R-Right Now that you on and described these things as ard If you're part of the higher-ups, Principal, do you know the truth about dragons?”
Hearing her say that, I asked in return It was soo
”—You overestimate me No one knows about those monsters At most, there is a hypothesis founded on speculation”
”Basically, a theory that no one knows is right or wrong And the person who proposed it is no longer around, how irresponsible”
The principal sounded like she was gru Her face seemed especially sad
”Can you tell me that hypothesis?”
”Unfortunately, it is top secret, not so you're allowed to know”
”Yeah I thought so”
Inforher-ups could not possibly be told to an ordinary student like me
Because I asked without raisingit was not possible
But seeing me like that, the principal seemed to show embarrassment on her face Hesitantly, she said:
”No, it's not like that Personally, I think you can be told But umm, rules”
The principal glanced furtively at Mica-san while speaking to me
”Charlotte-sama, please don't, okay?”
Mica-san warned the principal while s courteously The principal motioned towards her with her eyes and smiled wryly
”So that's that But personally, I really wish you could stand aht to be in the know”
”Those who ought to be in the know?”
I found the principal's wording quite curious and cocked my head in puzzlement
”Meaning that—whether you can become my friend in the truest sense of the word I ht? I want a friend”
Speaking of which, the principal apparently said so like that to me But I could not remember clearly
”How can I become your friend, Principal?”
The principal h, Mica-san grabbed her by the head
”O!? M-Mica, onna split open!”
”Charlotte-sama, the joke ends here Mononobe-san, please do not take her seriously and do anything weird It was all a joke”
Seeing her inti smile, I nodded reflexively
Then the principal was taken away by Mica-san, held by the head, thus ending the experiment
I looked at the feh deeply
I was curious about what the principal had said but ht now, perhaps I should think about hoas going to survive the first day of the school festival
Part 4
Busy times fleithin the blink of an eye
The festival executive co their ho manpower to help the school festival's overall preparations The continuous flow of jobs gave me little time to catch my breath
Thus, the school festival's first day came at last, my time of trial and tribulation
”Fu, fufu N-Nii-san You are so adorable”
Seeing me look like a completely different person, Mitsuki clutched her sides with laughter It was rare to see Mitsuki laugh so unreservedly I seehter in her
”—Sorry, but even if you call me adorable, I don't feel happy at all”
Dressed in a fe, I replied with a scowl
The skirt was too breezy, irls could tolerate wearing such insecure outfits, I was thoroughly impressed from the bottom of my heart
”B-But it looks way better than I would have expected If it is like this, the various visitors probably will not realize you are a boy, Nii-san”
Mitsuki exaain then promised me ”No problem”
Having mustered my resolve, I had put on the female uniform To check the look, I visited Mitsuki at her roo amiss
Even so, I still did not feel entirely reassured, but with this, I could take part in the school festival at least
”Fufu, I will have to call you Nee-san today”
”I beg you, please don't call me that”
Mitsuki said with delight but I objected seriously
”But I believe it would not work unless I change the way I address you”