Vol 1 Prologue (2/2)

Unlimited Fafnir Tsukasa 13050K 2022-07-20

As the girl took another breath, the left arm and flank returned to normal


Even then, the girl continued to glare at the giant, biting down on her teeth

”Mitsuki—why don't you give up?”

The boy called to her in a calm voice

”There's no way I can give up”

The girl replied hoarsely

”But why? Our parents have already evacuated Everyone else have probably long since escaped too There's nothing that you need to protect like—”

”There is! Our house is still there! That town is where our fas!!”

Overpowering the boy's voice, the girl yelled

The giant see ready to take yet another step In front of it was the town that the boy and the girl had lived in for thirteen years

Six years as neighbors, then seven years as faether

”I see”

With a sirl on the head

The girl looked up towards the boy with a confused face


”Leave everything to me”

Even now, three years later, the girl did not understand what had happened then

But it was true that the boy had fulfilled his words

He drove away Hekatonkheir, saved the town, and shouldered the result all by himself

It was not until afterwards that the girl realized what the thing she most wanted to protect was

Not until after she had lost the boy—