Isekai ni kanaderu densetsu ~toki wo tomeru mono~ Chapter 15 (2/2)
「If we use money like a fool then we’ll end up broke……」(Lexa)
「If you want to go far, you should be thrifty An adventurer can buy a horse-drawn carriage for himself」(Lexa)
「How ?」(Sou)
「I and Sou will be able afford it!」(Lexa)
Where did Lexa’s confidence came from? Sou wondered
After walking for a while, soe, her face flushed red as if enduring so Sou noticed it, 「We can spare a little time if you want to pee, you know?」and asked Lexa At that htened,「It can’t be helped so I’ll take you up on that」and said happily
Sou found it difficult to say this kind of things to a girl Notwithstanding being thoughtful for that matter, they seem to become insensitive to love matters
Peeing tiain but they found goblin corpses with their ears cut off along the main road But Lexa said,「It’s probably the adventurers hired as escorts of that horse-drawn carriage」, it was indeed a work that can’t be done by only one person
By any means, monsters doesn’t seem to appear normally around this main road that connects the royal capital and town of dire That being the case, Lexa and I decided to head over to the town of Dire just the two of us but surprisingly three goblin reat deht not related in anyway at all I leave the great de to Sawaki and the others I’ll work hard as much as possible with other ian to ith renewed determination
A man that leaves all to the others as much as possible, except the calamity that befalls around oneself That is Sou
We walk for a while as Lexa said, we arrived at the gate of the town of Dire by evening At the gate, there stood soldier-ish people wearing chainup in front of hi identifications Of course, Sou didn’t receive such a thing fro with Caesar-like beard nor Moses of the royal palace While not knowing that it has to be this way, it was that ate
「What happened?」(Sou)
When I told Lexa about those who don’t have identification and was able to get through, 「What kind of person are you, really!」and properly taught h Lexa daisuki!
According to what I heard, it seeive h It seeh the security……is the public order safe? At the saet adventurer’s plate at the adventurers’ guild and showed it to them next time
Now, I realized that if I were alone, I could’ve stopped the tiateIt didn’t only stop opponents, it also stops the time itself However, Lexa is here so I can’t do it
While I’s, it was our turn at last, ere able to pass through the gate nor two silver coins By the hile we’re on the way here, I casually asked Lexa about the coins in Asgard, they are copper, silver, gold, white gold and there seeold The coold coins, 10 silver coins and 50 copper coins I had 8 silver coins left since I paid two silver coins a little while ago
Such a thing is obviously coate of the town of Dire The townscape is also si different There’s a large fountain in the center of the town, and its circu place for people It seems the fountain is called the fountain of Rene Somewhat, it looks like a tourist spot
「There seeo!」(Lexa)
「Got it」(Sou)
Sou followed behind Lexa as so energetic
Translator notes and reference: