Part 45 (1/2)

”Let your captivity be a lesson to you,” I said to his do not concern us When such actors occupy the scene, it is permissible neither to applaud nor to hiss”

Hathelin proood, and for the future to concern hiraver and his private business He wished ood wishes, with an expansion of heart which caused his tears and mine to flow But artists are not ifted with one of those ardent ies of notable personages, and, above all, of favourites of fortune Barely five or six months had elapsed when Hathelin published a new satirical plate, in which Mada to weep, over the sick-bed of M Scarron The dyingan open will in his hand, in which one could read these words: ”I leave you ain--a rich and serious man--more so than I am”

The print had already been widely distributed when the engraver and his plate were seized This time Hathelin had not the honour of the Bastille; he was sent to soh his action was absolutely fresh and unknown to me, all Paris was convinced that I had inspired his unfortunate talent Madame de Maintenon was convinced of it, and believes it still The King has done me the honour to assure me lately that he had banished the idea from his mind; but he was so persuaded of it at first that he could not pardon ue, and, but for the fear of scandal, would have hanged the engraver, Hathelin, in order to provide ravers, with a subject for a fine plate

About the same time, the Jesuits caused Madame de Maintenon a much more acute pain than that of the ridiculous print She endured this bloith her accustoe; nevertheless, she conceived such a profound aversion to the leaders of this ever-restless company, that she has never been seen in their churches, and was at the greatest pains to rob theue,” she said to Madame de Montchevreuil, her friend and confidante ”The name of Jesus is always in their mouths, he is in their solemn device, they have taken him for their banner and namesake; but his candour, his humility are unknown to the that exists, and rule even in the palaces of kings Since they have the privilege and honour of confessing our e upon me Heaven preserve es and professors to direct my unimportant conscience I like a confessor who lets you speak, and not those who put words into yourher and then of being able to publish the adventure, they charged one of their instruments to seek her out at Versailles in order to ask an audience of her, not as a Jesuit, but as a plain churchman fallen upon adversity

The petition of thisbeen admitted, he received a printed form which authorised hiood works, for she had her regular hours for everything He was introduced into the great green salon, which was destined, as one knows, for this kind of audience There were many people present, and before all this company this old fox thus unfolded hin Dispenser of all things for what he has done for you; you have merited his protection from your tenderest youth

When, after your return from Martinique, you came to dwell in the little town of Niort, with your lady mother, I saw you often in our Jesuit church, which was at two paces from your house Your modesty, your youth, your respectful tenderness towards Madane, your excellent mother, attracted the attention of our community, who saw you every day in the teine Madame la Baronne died; and we learnt that those tre been completed before her death, she left you, and M Charles, your brother, in the htful poverty At that news, our Fathers (who are so charitable, so compassionate) ordered e portions fro the no longer, owing to ation of the Jesuit Fathers, I should be glad to obtain a place conforel has inspired ht, madaood graces”

Mada sustained this attack with fortitude, and it was not without vigour, replied to the petitioner: ”I have had the honour of relating to his Majesty, not so very long ago, the painful and afflicting circumstance which you have just recalled to ht, were at the pains to send to my little brother and to me a portion of their food Our relations; who enjoyed all our property, had reduced us to indigence But, as soon as my position was ameliorated, I sent fifteen hundred francs to the Reverend Father Superior of the Jesuits for his charities That manner of reimbursement has not acquittedwhat your house once did for me I do not remember your face, monsieur, but I believe your simple assertion If you are in holy orders I will recommend you to the Archbishop of Rouen, ill find you a place suitable for you Are you in holy orders?”

”No, madame,” replied the ex-Jesuit; ”I was merely a lay brother”

”In that case,” replied the Marquise, ”we can offer you a position as schoolmaster; and the Jesuit Fathers, if they have any esteem for you, should have rendered you this service, for they have the power to do that, andTakes Luxe Because It Is His Will--Devastation of the Electorate of Treves--The Marquis de Louvois--His Portrait--The Marvels Which He Worked--The Le Tellier and the Morte Destines De Morteonades--A Necessary Man--Money Makes Fat--Meudon--The Horoscope

This journey to Flanders did not keep the King long away from his capital And, withal, he made two fine and rich conquests, short as the space of ti was necessary to him He wanted it The Marechal de Crequi invested this place with an army of thirty thousand men, and made himself master of it at the end of a week

I ed, he said, to the for it, alary, Austria, and in those cantons where the Ottonised the King of France as its lord and suzerain Its fine fortifications were levelled at once, and our victories were, unhappily, responsible for the firing, pillage, and devastation of almost the whole Electorate For the Duke of Crequi, faithful executor of the orders of Louvois, in is only obeyed when he proves himself stern and inflexible

In the first years of my favour, the Marquis de Louvois enjoyed hest esteem Independently of his manners, which are, when he wishes, those of the utmost aable ent man, as well instructed in the mass as in details; a mind fertile in resources, ian, a riculturist, a soldier

Loving pleasure, yet knowing how to despise it in favour of the needs of the State and the care of affairs, this minister concentrated in his own person all the otherhand

Did the King, followed by his whole Court, arrive in fearful weather by the side of so frolance He would designate on the spot the fare of a fastidious king on his travels A general repast, appropriate and sufficient, issued at his voice as it had been from the bowels of the earth An abundance of mattresses received provisionally the ue And in the depth of the night, by the light of a thousand flaring torches, a vast bridge, constructed hastily, in spite of wind and rain, pere and the host of other vehicles to cross the stream, and find on the further bank succulent dishes and voluptuous aparty, which created results by pulverising obstacles, had rendered the n, who, unable to tolerate delays and resistance, desired in all things to attain and succeed The King, without looking too closely at the means, loved the results which were the consequences of such a genius, and he rewarded with a limitless confidence the intrepid and often culpable zeal of a minister who procured hi to success, grew calm, he studied more tranquilly both his own desires and his coadjutor's The King by nature is neither inhue, and he knew that Louvois was like Phalaris in these points Then he was at as much pains to repress this unpopular hu it to act

The Marquis de Louvois (who did not like me) had lavished his incense upon ht float up to the prince He saw ht ood enough for a judicial and legal family; but what bonds are there between the Louvois and the Mortee over the eyes of those whohter to my nephew, De Morte His Majesty said to rave fault of approaching any one else than e Answer him, if you please, that it is hters, and even the sons of my ministers Louvois has thus far helped me to spend enormous sums M

Colbert has assisted me to heap up treasure It is for one of the Colberts that I destine your nephew; for I have made up my mind that the three sisters shall be duchesses”

In effect, his Majesty caused this e; and the Marquis de Louvois had the jaundice over it for ht