Part 37 (1/2)

(All this ti from her confine all the places on the way, and arrived at Lille in Flanders on the 1st of August From Lille, where the diversions lasted five or six days, theyeverywhere with the saladness They returned to Sedan by Le Quenoy, Bouchain, Caust found the Court once o and breathe a little at , where I was acco Comte de Toulouse; after which I betook myself to the mineral waters of Bourbonne, for which I have a predilection

Onrelated to ates and vessels that I have just hteen years old, and with the saht have taken part in amusements from which he had excluded et the proprieties to such a degree, and expose himents which must be formed of him, in spite of himself and however reluctantly?


The duchesse d'Orleans--The duchesse de Richelieu--An Epigra to His Brother

Madaht into the world a son, christened Louis at the font, to whoave the title of the Duke of Burgundy We had become accustomed, little by little, to the face of this Dauphine, who (thanks to the counsels and instruction of her lady in waiting) adopted Frenchher hair in a satisfactory eneral approval Madaht, never succeeded in pleasing her; and these toed to see each other often from their relative positions, suffered , who had noticed it, began by resenting it frohty, like all these petty Gerive way

Mada Bavarian, two inter her praises from morn till eve The one was that Charlotte Elizabeth of Bavaria, whom I have already described to the life, who, furious at her personal ive pretty women The other was the duchesse de Richelieu, maid of honour to the Princess of Bavaria, once the protector of Madaonist, probably out of jealousy

These two acid tongues had taken possession of the Dauphine,--a character naturally prone to jealousy,--and they per all the mockery and all the depreciation that one can perainst the absent

Insinuations and abuse produced their effect so thoroughly that Madausted with the duties of her office, and with the consent of the hter-in-law, except on state and gala occasions Madame de Richelieu related to me one day the annoyance and mortification of the new Marquise

”Madame d'Orleans came in one day,” said she to me, ”to Madame la Dauphine, where Madame de Maintenon was The Princess of the Palais Royal, who does not put herself about, as every one knows, greeted only the Dauphine and ood nor bad, and pretended that her goere growing too large for her, in proof that she was going thin 'I do not know,' she added, brusquely, 'what Madame Scarron does; she is always the sa answered on the spot: 'Madaed, either, and it is always the sa tone of Madame de Maintenon nonplussed the Palatine for the moment; she wished to de She took up hera courtesy, and retired very swiftly”

”I am scarcely, fond of Madame de Maintenon,” said I to Madaly Madareat hernise and repulse at the sae, whom her hideous face makes one associate naturally, with mastiffs; she is surly, like them, and, like them, she exposes herself to the blows of a stick It makes very little difference to me if she hears from you the portrait I have just ive you the lie”

Monsieur, having co, coiven offence to his wife

”You have just ; ”you who pride yourself on speaking your tongue so well, and I aht rather to have expressed yourself: 'I coiven offence, or wished to give offence to h, and said no more of it


The Marquis de Lauzun at Liberty--His Conduct to His Wife--Recovery of Made by means of her donations to the Duc du Maine obtained, at first, the release, and subsequently the entire liberty of Lauzun, wished to go to e with six horses The King had her inforeonly spoke so because he was better inforrateful aversion of Lauzun to Mademoiselle No one wished to open her eyes, for she had refused to see; tis, arrived at that result quickly enough

M de Lauzun was, beyond gainsaying, a e, but he nourished in his heart a limitless ambition, and his head, subject to whims and caprices, would not suffer hi had just pardoned hi him well, he was not at all fond of him They had disposed of his office of Captain of the Guards and of the other command of the 'Becs de Corbins' It was decided that Lauzun should not return to his eood to him the amount and to add to it the arrears