Part 26 (1/2)

[By a new process these frescos were subsequently transferred to canvas in 1800 or 1802, at which date the vast property of the Carthusianestates--EDITOR'S NOTE]

”Father,” said he to the prior who showed hi pictures are far beyond all that was ever told me My intention, I admit, was to move your institution elsewhere, so as to connect your spacious property with e which would have to be committed deters me; to the marvellous art of Lesueur you owe it that your convent reratitude to the King, and prouardianshi+p of Saint Bruno in heaven

Just then, service in the chapel was over, and thetheir eyes froloo his hands, signalled them to stop, and then addressed theress a moment; lift up your heads, bowed down by penance, and behold with awe the descendant of Saint Louis, the august protector of this convent Yes, our noble sovereign himself has momentarily quitted his palace to visit this humble abode On these quiet walls which hide our cells, he has sought to read the si story, of the life of our saintly founder The august son of Louis the Just has taken our dwelling-place and community under his immediate protection Go to your cells and pray to God for this nanimous prince, for his children and successors in perpetuity”

As he said these flattering words, ahi his brow repeatedly upon the paveuilty though I be I crave your royal pardon and pity”

The prior, somewhat confused, saw that some important confession was about to be made, so he dismissed the others, and sent them back to their devotions The prostratefro, whose caled anew for pardon with great energy, and fervour The King clearly saw that the penitent was soiveness in souous fashi+on

Then the ns to-day, and reigns gloriously That is an aers of the direst sort have beset your cradle and menaced your youth A prince of your house, backed up by ambitious inferiors, resolved to wrest the crown froet it for himself and his descendants The Queen, your h to resist the cabal; but more than once her feet touched the very brink of the precipice, and more than once she nearly fell over it with her children

”noble qualities did this great Queen possess, but at ti a conte Cardinal, was once too bitter, and begot in this presu hatred Educated under the same roof as M le Cardinal, with the same teachers and the same doctrines, I saw, as it were, with his eyes when I went out into the world, and marched beneath his banner when civil war broke out

”Dreading the punishment for his temerity, this prelate decided that the sceptre should pass into other hands, and that the elder branch should become extinct With this end in view, hethat you and your brother, the Prince, were not the King's sons; and subsequently he induced me to issue another, in which I affirmed on oath that the Queen, your mother, was secretly married to Cardinal Mazarin Unfortunately, these books h es

”I ahs more heavily upon ed for your ree doll

The rebels were aware of this when it was too late I was ordered to ride post-haste with an escort in pursuit of your carriage; and I had to swear by the Holy Gospels that, if I could not bring you back to Paris, I would stab you to the heart

”The enorhed heavily upon my spirit and my conscience I conceived a horror for the Cardinal and withdrew to this convent For rievous penances, but I shall never h expiation for reat a cri as I have not obtained pardon froently

”No, Sire; I feel unworthy to take them,” replied the Carthusian, in dejected tones

”Let him be ordained as soon as possible,” said his Majesty to the prior

”The monk's keen repentance touches e I will appoint hio, and desire him to leave for that place at the earliest opportunity Do not forget this”

Thehis, and these royal commands were in due course executed So it ca revelations, and enabled the Carthusians to keep their splendid property intact, ungainly though this was and out of place


Journey to Poitou--The Mayor and the Sheriffs of Orleans--The Marquise's Modesty--The Serenade--The Abbey of Fontevrault--Fa--The Bishop of Poitiers--The Young Vicar--Rather Give Hiiment--The Fete at the Convent--The Presentation--The Revolt--A Grand Example

The Abbess of Fontevrault, hen a mere nun, could never bear her profession, now loved it with all her heart, doubtless because of the authority and freedoo or come at will, and as absolute mistress of her actions, accountable to no one for these

She sentsisters” of the community, to tellto be sold, and to offer me her help at this important juncture

Her letter, duly tied up and sealed, begged me to be bold and useat last to give his approval and consent ”What!” she wrote, ”ht children, the youngest of which is a ot your reward All your children enjoy the rank of prince, and you, theirthinking about? Does it add to his dignity, honour, and glory that you should still bethinking of?”

In conclusionabbey