Part 34 (1/2)
As it worked its way East over the Overland route its old luck held steadily Again were driver and passengers ain it was abandoned At last, when it was ”hoodooed” all over the West and no independent driver or coht it, and used it for ram, as all who have seen it will remember, was an Indian attack on this coach The royal visitors wanted a real taste of Western life--insisted on it, in fact, and the Kings of Denmark, Greece, Saxony, and the Crown Prince of Austria climbed to the box with me
I had secretly instructed the Indians to throw a little real energy into their pursuit of the coach, and they followed my instructions rather more completely than I expected The coach was surrounded by a dees were discharged at perilously close proxi around to quiet uests of the occasion were a trifle pale, but they were all of theame, and came out of the affair far less scared than were the absolutely terrifiedtheir hands in wild alarnition of this perfor of a feathered crest, outlined in diamonds, with the words ”Ich dien” worked in jewels underneath A note in the Prince's own hand expressed the pleasure of his guests in the entertainment I had provided for them
After a tour of the principal cities we returned to America, proud of our success, and well rewarded in purse for our effort
The welcoland I quote from the description of it printed in the New York _World_:
The harbor probably has never witnessed a more picturesque scene than that of yesterday, when the _Persian Monarch_ steamed up froe, his tall and striking figure clearly outlined, and his long hair waving in the wind; the gaily painted and blanketed Indians leaned over the shi+p's rail; the flags of all nations fluttered fro cables The cowboy band played ”Yankee Doodle” with a vim and enthusiasm which faintly indicated the joy felt by everybody connected with the ”Wild West” over the sight of home
Shortly afterletter:
_Dear Sir_--In common with all your countryratified but proud of your ement and success So far as I can nified in all you have done to illustrate the history of civilization on this continent during the past century I am especially pleased with the compliment paid you by the Prince of Wales, who rode with you in the Deadwood coach while it was attacked by Indians and rescued by cowboys Such things did occur in our days, but they never will again
As nearly as I can estimate, there were in 1865 about nine and one-half million of buffaloes on the Plains between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains; all are now gone, killed for their meat, their skins, and their bones This seems like desecration, cruelty, and murder, yet they have been replaced by twice as many cattle At that date there were about 165,000 pawnees, Sioux, Cheyennes, and Arapahoes, who depended upon these buffaloes for their yearly food They, too, have gone, but they have been replaced by twice or thrice as many white men and women, who have made the earth to blossooverned by the laws of Nature and civilization This change has been salutary, and will go on to the end You have caught one epoch of this country's history, and have illustrated it in the very heart of the modern world--London--and I want you to feel that on this side of the water we appreciate it
This drama must end; days, years, and centuries follow fast; even the drama of civilization must have an end All I aim to accomplish on this sheet of paper is to assure you that I fully recognize your work The presence of the Queen, the beautiful Princess of Wales, the Prince, and the British public are ht which illuuided me honestly and faithfully, in 1865-66, from Fort Riley to Kearney, in Kansas and Nebraska
Sincerely your friend,