Part 21 (1/2)
General Carr ordered that all the tepees, lodges, buffalo robes, cae quantity of buffalo athered and burned Mrs Alerdice, the murdered Swedish captive, was buried Captain Kane read the burial service, as we had no chaplain with us While this was going on, the Sioux warriors recovered froive us battle All around the attack a fight began I was on the skire bay horse, and giving orders to his e
I could understand part of what he said He was telling the and were ruined, and was entreating them to follow hi was extremely fleet I determined to capture him if possible, but I was afraid to fire at the rider lest I kill the horse
Often the Indian, as he rode around the skirmish line, passed the head of a ravine It occurred to me that if I dismounted and crept up the ravine, I could, as he passed, easily drop hily I crept into the ravine and secretedby
When he was not more than thirty yards away I fired The next instant he tumbled from the saddle, and the horse kept on his ithout a rider Instead of running back to the Indians, he galloped toward the soldiers, by one of whoht
Lieutenant Mason, who had been very conspicuous in the fight and had killed two or three Indians hi from his horse, secured the elaborate war-bonnet froether with all his other accoutrements
We both rejoined the soldiers I started in search of the horse, and found hieant McGrath, who had captured hiet the horse, and he had seen me kill its rider He handed the aniht at the ti horse west of the Missouri River, but this later proved to be the fact
Late that evening our wagon-train arrived Mrs Weichel, the wounded woeons, and we placed her in the a up the prisoners, squaws, and papooses, we set out for the South Platte River, eight , by order of General Carr, all the e was turned over to the adjutant Above two thousand dollars was collected, and the entire aiven to Mrs Weichel
The cowick, froht, which took place Sunday, July 11, 1869, was telegraphed to all parts of the country
During our teeks' stay at this Post, General Augur, of the Department of the Platte, allant service it had perfor been a terror to the border settle of the chief, General Carr and the command were complimented in General Orders
Mrs Weichel was cared for in the Post hospital After her recovery she married the hospital steward Her former husband had been killed by the Indians Our prisoners were sent to the Whetstone Agency, on the Missouri, where Spotted Tail and the friendly Sioux were then living
The captured horses andthe officers and soldiers
A the animals which I thus obtained were my Tall Bull horse and a pony which I called Powder Face This aniured afterward in the stories of ”Ned Buntline,” and beca at Fort McPherson, General Carr received a telegra that the Indians hadseveral sectionoff stock of O'Fallen's Station An expedition was going out of Fort McPherson to catch and punish the redskins if possible
I was ordered by General Carr to accoht I proceeded by rail to Fort McPherson Station, and from there rode horseback to the fort Two companies, under co, as ere about to start, Major Brown said toto have a character with us on this scout It's old 'Ned Buntline,' the novelist”
At the same time I saw a stoutly built man near by ore a blue es of secret societies and gold medals He limped a little as he approached me, and I concluded that this ood mark to shoot at on his left breast,” I said to Brown, ”but he looks like a soldier” I was introduced to him by his real name, which was Colonel EZC Judson
”I was to deliver a teht,” said my new acquaintance, ”but no lecture for ht The major has offered me a horse, but I don't kno I shall stand the ride”
I assured him that he would soon feel at home in the saddle, and we set out The command headed for the North Platte, which had been swollen bywe had to swim our horses Buntline was the first man across
We reached O'Fallen's Station at eleven o'clock In a short ti an Indian trail The party of Indians, which had come up from the south, seemed to be a small one We followed the track of the Indians, to the North Platte, but they had a start of two days
Major Brown soon abandoned the pursuit, and returned to Fort Sedgwick
During this short scout, Buntline had plied o out on the next scout with me
By this time I had learned that my horse, Tall Bull, was a remarkably fast runner Therefore, when Lieutenant Mason, ned a racer, challenged me to a race, I ile dash of a half mile for five hundred dollars a side