Part 17 (1/2)

The letter to Harry Furniss elicited a most satisfactory reply Mr

Furniss said that he had long wished to illustrate one of Lewis Carroll's books, and that he was quite prepared to undertake the work (”Sylvie and Bruno”)

[Illustration: H Furniss _Froraph_]

Twoto the sareat Convocation assey, opposed by many (I was one) ish restrictions to be enacted as to the practice of vivisection for research Liddon rant, but it was carried by 412 to 244

_March 29th_--Never before have I had so many literary projects on hand at once For curiosity, I will here make a list of them

(1) Supplement to ”Euclid and Modern Rivals”

(2) 2nd Edition of ”Euc and Mod Rivals”

(3) A book of Math curiosities, which I think of calling ”Pillow Problems, and other Math Trifles” This will contain Problearithles do, a paper I a on ”Infinities and Infinitesi Multiplication, and perhaps others

(4) Euclid V

(5) ”Plain Facts for Circle-Squarers,” which is nearly coives actual proof of liic, treated by led Tale”

(8) A collection of Ga, with fairy pictures by Miss EG Thoht also contain ” scheistration, &c, &c

(9) Nursery Alice

(10) Serious poeround”

(12) ”Girl's Own Shakespeare” I have begun on ”Tempest”

(13) New edition of ”Parliamentary Representation”

(14) New edition of Euc I, II

(15) The new child's book, which Mr Furniss is to illustrate I have settled on no name as yet, but it will perhaps be ”Sylvie and Bruno”

I have other shadowy ideas, _eg_, a Geoical points freely and plainly treated, and a drama on ”Alice” (for which Mr

Mackenzie would write music): but the above is a fair example of ”too many irons in the fire!”

A letter written about this tiood hints about hoork, all the more valuable because he had himself successfully carried them out The first hint was as follows:--

When you haveeffort, to understand a thing, and still feel puzzled by it, _stop_, you will only hurt yourself by going on Put it aside till the next ; and if _then_ you can't make it out, and have no one to explain it to you, put it aside entirely, and go back to that part of the subject which you _do_ understand When I was reading Mathematics for University honours, I would so a week or two at soet into a hopelessMy rule was _to begin the book again_ And perhaps in another fortnight I had coet over it Or perhaps not I have several books that I have begun over and over again

My second hint shall be--Never leave an unsolved difficulty _behind_ I o any further in that book till the difficulty is conquered In this point, Mathematics differs entirely fro an Italian book, and come to a hopelessly obscure sentence--don't waste too o on; you will do very ithout it But if you skip a _ain: you will find soet deeper and deeper into theas the brain is _quite_ clear Theconfused leave off and rest, or your penalty will be that you will never learn Mathematics _at all_!

Twoof a place here:--