c775 (1/2)
Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki
A/n: Fro a bear fairy
Extra Edition: What is Everyone Else doing?
Information on the Fairy Country, Thread 57
44: And so, how’s it going lately? Bit by bit the people getting B Rank passes are coh
45: But you still can’t go to the inner cities, so thethem is pretty weak …
46: It’s because, other than the Husband who rode that huge bird, the fortress towns are your main places to conduct your activities, naa
47: Have there been anyone who’s seen him since THAT? I want to hear more on information about that bird
48: I sent him a mail, but there’s no response Maa, it’s probably impossible anyway, ne
49: I bet he gets tons of the same question, nee
50: He’s probably in the castle in the Royal Capital in the center of the country, na~
51: And then it’s the sweet, need couple’s life?
52: No way, if that’s what happened then the fairies should bemore of a fuss
53: I,it’s not like I’, ne!
54: In some ways, that too is a hardshi+p
55: Recently taking requests at the town’s bar/inn has gotten fun
56: Because Faust and Nexia are the types where you take the requests directly from the NPCs themselves na~; it’s a pain
57: Even though you’d be okay with those two cities if you didn’t know about the Fairy Country type
58: It’s just, at the beginning, those High Rabbits tricked me
59: Aa, I get you; the appearance is a rabbit without even a horn, so I thought I’d be fine, but it was really strong
60: It’s basically a bear na, if we’re talking about strength
61: It’s not as bad as a Wild Bear though THAT is super dangerous beast
62: Maa, taking those kind of quests, you can gather bits of their trust hear and there and get a B Rank visa na
63: Eventwo birds with one stone
64: That is basic, but when it happens it’s delicious na, the Fairy Country
65: Thief Birds are freaking annoyiiiiing!
66: A- … I understand well the agony; how many did they run off with?
67: Even though it’s not like it’s the first time the devs have been mean naa
68: Been borrowing a bow-user frouild to shoot them doe have
69: A, I see, so if there’s a bow-user, then the possibility of shooting it down increases, huh?
70: Magic just won’t cut it, ne; you can’t catch up to their speed so they get away
71: A norainst these run-away opponents, h …
72: Magic being alhty is already a tale of the past
73: The Apollo’s Bow guild’s Ayame-tan looks busy recently
74: Hey! Don’t call her anything less than Ayame-ane-sama!
75: Right, right, ○z1 go do this somewhere else
76: I’m not a ○z! This is purely love!
77: It’s scary that you don’t have any awareness of it
78: Okay, that’s enough Other than Apollo’s Guild, there aren’t any other bow-user guilds co into existence
79: Whichever guild you look at, the ones where there are ic, and bows all in one set have increased
80: Their bad luck is already a thing of the past, ne
81: I’ into the discussion, but I want to tell you what I heard about that bird from one of the Chiefs of the fortress
82: I wonder where the Husband has got to
83: O, you heard so about that bird!?
84: excited
85: That bird is called a “pikarsha”, and it’s a guy used for transportation for flying in the sky; it can reach even the center of the country in under 10 minutes
86: Heeeeeh!?
87: That huge span of land in 10 minutes is … I want to riiiiiiiide!
88: And continuing your information!?
89: And, that one has refused to even let eneration’s Fairy Ruler ride it, it seems …
90: Even not letting Rulers ride; what the hell