c615 (1/2)

Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki

A/N: Why other people treated an opponent that Earth had that much trouble with like a trash mob is revealed

There is also ???’s conversation as well

Extra Edition; Forums and ???

Challenge from the Dead Thread No 59

362:There’s been an increase in the defeat of the solo-only Secret Boss, ne

363: Suck it up and plunge through the h, you’ll h

364: If it’s soht be able to get through the dungeon kind of easy, ne

365: You could use brute force with just enough luck to solo, naa

366: So is it decided that what the analytical group people said about the ioing to change?

367: Of course; I’ve been properly looking into it myself

368: If you struggle along, it’ll work itself out naa

369: yeah, and the person who first defeated him even told us about its attack patterns

370: and then all you need to do is pin him doith attacks, let your Fairy attack, and he’s instantly weakened, ne

371: He gets , “You damn contractor!”, but since he’s weakened, it’s not scary at all

372: yeah, once he’s bombarded with Fairy attacks, his attack power, defense power, and speed all drop

373: And after that is just cooking him up, about

374: the path to get there is way harsher

375: but if you enter a 2 or more people party, the traps increase in an instant and you can’t force your way through at all

376: Without Thief and only good luck … the only way you can get through is solo, looks like

377: If you’re solo, then monsters that don’t usually core Skeleton

378: That guy, huh … if you’re alone winning should be pretty tough

379: Even if it takes Fairy attacks, it doesn’t weaken any, so it’s a lot scarier than the Skeleton Knight

380: It’s a good example that, even if it’s a boss, if you know its definite weaknesses there’s nothing to be afraid of, the Knight I mean

381: That’s true; is there no new Secrets discovered yet?

382: Maa, I expect there’s ones that you don’t have to fight solo

383: I heard the big guilds have 6the 9th floor

384: Killing everything on the way?

385: See up and how their Fairies are also leveling up

386: Challenging everything and dealing with traps even quicker is the problem, ne

387: It’s probably not going to take that long to do, even with traveling in 6 man parties

388: Then all that’s left is your luck with finding the stairs and a race with time

389: That really is it … if your luck is bad, you can just keep barelyit

390: Since it’s a rando you can do

391: yeah yeah, you can’t do that thing where you prep ahead of tihs, naa

392: Is there anyone here who’s already taken Knight Sword?

393: not yet-

394: One-Handed Skill is still 48 degozaru …

395: Not yet, naa, though I want to try using it

396: It’s probably so Sith a jewel?

397: >394, keep it up

398: It’s like only a portion of people can use it, ne

399: It’s supposed to be heavy, but I wonder exactly how heavy?

400: >399, cosword, about 14 times

401: That’s pretty heavy; I wonder how the power and reach are

402: The power is 12 times, the reach is 13 ti it is difficult

403: So it’s not a huge increase in power; I’m a little dejected

404: The power aside, when you see the reach it’s totally different; if you’re the type that only looks for power, it ht look awful to you

405: >404, he probably just doesn’t understand the fear of a long reach; don’t worry about it

406: There’s also the worry of difficulty in tight places … you’d have to use so else, naa

407: Crushi+ng other Secret Bosses will probably unlock neeapons, ne?

408: Most likely the next will, so probably

409: I’

410: So we’re not thinking about clearing it ourselves huh? lol

411: No way … I eons are full of MonHou, full of traps …

412: I get how tough it is though, naa

413: Maa, if everyone does their best by the for everyone else to succeed, that’s for the best, ne?

414: A- , that’s true, that’s for the best

415: Even before getting to the bottooal too is fine

616: A-, this is info that just came in, but a 6 man party just reached floor 10

617: Seriously!?

618: Are you serious?

619: excited

620: I wanna knohat the boss is ~

621: I guess they couldn’t beat it, since the Urgent Information didn’t come