c58 (1/2)

Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki

A/N: After a lot, we’re faced with a boss

Other than the Fairy Queen, huh …

The Person Waiting on that Floor

With the Chivalrous Thief Skill leveling up to 15, I can finally begin eon’s depths By the way, it looks like other people are eon-exclusive parties, so the cases where lone people get recruited have largely decreased It’s the nature of the Dungeon; there’s no helping it

Even so, I’ve challenged the Dungeon 32 times There are also times where I’ve taken the Death Penalties

Everyday I challenged it at least 3 tied it around 8 times; it was about that many times I returned; from other peoples’ points of view I must look like a lunatic

And now this will be the 33rd challenge

Several tiotten quite close, but there I’d holdIt took uys also react to breathing

— Right now I’ time is barely 5 minutes … it’s a level where, not a Lesser but a full-blown Lich is prowling If the Lich finds the solo me, I’ll be destroyed

No, in a purely 1 VS 1 I can ht then the other Undead will react in an instant and come assault me Naturally I don’t have the abilities to smoothly deal with that aic, if it throws a lot of Bad-Status inducing ic around and ties down my movements, the other monsters will come and do me in

Killing offabilities, in the darkness using ht Skill to run away, I, all by myself, reached the stairs to the 10th floor What could be waiting there, what could be found there, there’s nothing for it but to go and see; for this purpose only I kept descending 32 times

Physical Ability Reinforcement has become Lv30, and I acquired the so-called passive art <I had to seek out the stairs on the 10th floor … the time left is 1 minute 14 seconds

With just 24 seconds left I found the stairs

I don’t have any ti so, reluctantly, I use <fly> to enhance

But right now I bear the pain because ti sick; with lide ability to re above the stairs, I race down them

The time left is displayed as 3 seconds …

Partially down the stairs, I check that the time-limit timer display has stopped coh, then take a deep breath

— I barely h My first eot excited; it finally dawned on one before

After that I slowly descended the stairs, drinking a Potion Juice and eating er and thirst

But , I’ve already walked 20 meters and I still can’t see the end

“ … Hou, hou, AT LAST there art a single man OF the humans THAT hast DESCENDED to this place”1

Suddenly that hoarse voice echoed all around

“… Who the heck’s there?”

Did soet here? And that voice …

“ … Mine naht OF A CERTAIN eo … MOST LIKELY YOU wouldn’t know OF THE name of mine empire; HOW MUCH time has passED I NO LONGER know”

I’ the stairs, but I still can’t see the end

“Right now the stairs YOU ARE descENDING are particularLY lonG …TO Pass the tireat labyrinth OF THE dead TOOK lives of The eate THIS labyrinth, TO seal it, I entERED it”

… hm

“But you couldn’t finish that task?”

A short silence occurred before the voice echoed again

“You ARE correct, IT IS as you saY … many subordinates I HAD BUT, THIS labyrinth’S traps, eatEN BY FRIGHTFUL monsters, deATH, necks seveRED … atroCIOUS deaths OCCURRED, our numbers WERE reduCED … MY subordinates, MY comrades, IN EXCHANGE for THEIR blood, I pursued our course and REACHED HERE …”

The voice sounded like it was going to cry

“So there … as there?”

There was silence again It was strange that I could hear my footsteps loudly as I descended

“THERE was nothing”

I didn’t expect that response