c55 (1/2)

Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki

A/N: A break for now

Back Above Ground …

Back above ground I heaved a sigh of relief After everything’s said and done, we’ve been fighting those of the Undead types; even if it’s lights in a fake di that feels really real1 There wasn’t an extre to continuously stare at Undead h

Anye organize the profits; in order to ht out and put into a pool, then divided evenly The hly around 5000 Glo; in tereon, it’s pretty slim

There wasn’t any gathering of the ic Swords] Theyif we had gone a little further down By the way, currently Magic Swords are unable to be made by players

How about going down oneopinion was pretty , “Let’s stop for today,” at the same time Because the traps were numerous and the time limit ay too troublesoue froeon’s first sortie

“Yosh, then let’s return Need to put up the information, to a point, on the forums, na”

At Red’s comment, all members nodded

This isn’t a dungeon that you caninformation

“Then, it’s about time that I should excuse myself; thank you for the party”

I judged that around here I should leave the group, so after giving my thanks I withdrew from the party


Quite honestly, you could probably say that being able to enter the dungeon together with those Hero ood luck

They’re a formidable opponent that uses a shi+eld to firmly perforic above to negate attacks It would be safer to think of today’s dungeon attack as an exception

Now then, thinking about this tiest role forand dishts; those were the main core actions that seemed the best

But with Bow in the back as support, there’s no interference; since it doesn’t need the tiic; it’s also easy to do diversions and obstructive actions

After that is the treasure chests, naa … with regards to human nature, they want to open them deep down

And as long as you know they’re coh I think that, it wouldn’t be strange for there to be treasure chests with traps that do area-of-effect petrification of players, forced separation to different places, or at the absolute worst, suht

It ht be only from the trend of the treasure chests that caeon attack, but this ratio shouldn’t bedeath through greed

Actually, Thief Skill’s <trap detection=””> told me that quite a few of the treasure chests had traps that were at the level I don’t want to touch… That being said, I can’t always avoid touching things There’s the possibility that there will be doors with traps that you have to pry open in order to move forward

Later let’s try and investigate if I can reproduce it through Blacks

When I returned safely in Nexia, talk about the dungeon was being exchanged here and there

Beginning with discussion aboutthat the traps were too brutal If they didn’t train Thief like…There’s quite a bit of hesitation, since when you learn it you have to spend 8 Exp, but thinking on it now, that amount of expenditure was most likely in anticipation of this kind of activity

Right now, the eon’s walkthrough