734 Chapter 730 (1/2)
Regardless, even after hearing the voice, Leon couldn't see its owner. He could still feel a gigantic presence ahead of him, but only that. Realizing that keeping quiet would be a bad move, Leon decided to return the greeting.
”Hello… how do you do?” Leon smiled wryly.
Although he couldn't see them, Leon could easily imagine Ilyana and Tyrselle frowning. Leon decided to ignore them because they were too tense to talk. Despite all his shortcomings when it comes to diplomacy, Leon was fully aware that he was more suited for that kind of job than Ilyana, who was quite impatient despite having so much life experience, and Tyrselle, who was quick to solve things with magic attacks.
”I'm pretty much fine. Thank you very much, Leon.”
”Oh… so you know who I am,” Leon said after a few moments of silence. ”I presume you also know why we are here.”
”Yes, of course. I have been watching all of you for a very long time. Perhaps too much time, thanks to Ilyana's Resets. Although your goals have always been the same, Tyrselle's goal was a bit different, but you managed to convince her to join your side. Something like that wasn't supposed to happen, but then again, Ilyana's Resets made many things change in unexpected ways.”
”Well, yeah… by the way, before we continue this conversation,” Leon said. ”Can you tell us your name?”
”Name? I don't have one.”
”I see…” Leon said.
”Aren't you going to ask why I don't have a name?”
”I'm certainly thinking about asking, but I'm afraid that I might step in a landmine.” Leon forced a smile.
”Don't worry, whatever you say, I won't take any offense. Regardless, I don't have a name because I wasn't given one. Do you know what most races across the cosmos have in common, Leon? The parents give names to their kids. Some species decided their own names after a certain age, but they are a minority. However, I don't belong to any species. There is no other being like me, and I wasn't born like you or anyone else. I simply existed and then evolved until I became who I am.”