710 Chapter 707 (1/2)

”Let's see how things will play out this time with Ilyana…” Leon muttered and then crossed his arms to observe the other Leon.

However, much to Leon's surprise, things went the same way as it did with him. The third Leon was obviously cautious of someone like her since he couldn't measure her power and frowned once Ilyana proposed an alliance.

”It can't be helped that you are cautious of me,” Ilyana said. ”Then, how about this: I will show you a way to obtain power fast without doing anything suspicious. Have you heard of the great magic spirits?”

The third Leon obviously didn't hear of them, and Leon frowned because it didn't make sense that they would exist at that point in time when they didn't exist in other universes. However, the strangest thing of everything was that Ilyana herself wanted to give the third Leon the spirits' power.

”I wonder if Ilyana not only can obtain the knowledge of other universes but also can give them useful pieces of information,” Leon said. ”Perhaps she told others how to create the spirits… still, is this Ilyana powerful enough to create them?”

Leon's doubts didn't stop increasing… as usual; he couldn't quite picture Ilyana's end goal. Leon had some suspicions, but he didn't want to jump to conclusions. Regardless, the third Leon accepted that once he learned about the spirits and just as things went him, things proceeded well with the third Leon, and in the blink of an eye, he obtained their cooperation. The fact that he didn't have to worry about Earth anymore helped a lot. That being said, not having anything to protect didn't make the third Leon stronger… if anything, it made him weaker.

Congratulations! You have become a Level one Spiritualist!

Your mana and intelligence will increase by ten points, your stamina, health, recovery, and control will increase by five points whenever you level up your class.

Congratulations! You have become a Level one Master of the Spirits!

Your mana and intelligence will increase by ten points, your stamina, health, recovery, and control will increase by five points whenever you level up your class.

”I guess the trigger to learn those is to form contracts with the spirits,” Leon nodded to himself.