691 Chapter 688 (1/2)
”Damn monster…” Leon clenched his teeth.
Leon could feel his mana being consumed to protect his friends. The skill that was protecting them from mortal damage was working. Still, it didn't change the fact that the black-haired woman just caused the instant death of millions of humans. If she really made Earth stop moving, then not many would have strong bodies to endure that. That idea made Leon even madder than before.
”Don't worry, you won't die with this,” The black-haired woman smiled. ”But you will fill the same agony that I felt many times thanks to you.”
That woman was speaking nonsense. Still, something inside Leon was wondering if that was really the case. He felt like some important piece of the puzzle was still missing that piece would make everything make sense. More important than that, Leon himself was wondering that that crazy was planning to do, suddenly stopping Earth caused a disaster like that wave, but it wouldn't be enough to decimate all humans' beings or kill Leon. Even if Leon uses Mana Link in millions of monsters, he wasn't sure if he would be able to stop Earth from moving. So, it was clear that he had no way of stopping the black-haired woman.
”Are you sure about this?” Sekundez asked.
Before Leon could answer Sekundez, he noticed that she was facing Ilyana. That was weird, even though Ilyana also had a fragment of Sekundez, she wasn't supposed to be able to see her. Ilyana who was facing the wave of destruction heading toward just nodded while showing a tired expression.
”Yeah… I'm also tired of this,” Ilyana replied. ”I tried to do things right, but I messed up… we have to many irregularities this time. Leon, you will have a long dream. It will be easier for you this way. When you wake up, I hope that you still will chase our dream.”
”Again… talking nonsense,” Leon said annoyed.
”I won't let you!” The black-haired woman roared.
Before Leon could react, he felt his consciousness getting weaker. That happened so fast that he didn't have time to do anything and the last thing he saw was his body falling on the ground below, but before it could fall on the ground, his body disappeared. That was weird because Leon saw that happening as if his spirit had left his body. However, the moment his body disappeared; Leon was engulfed by darkness.
”This is…” Leon muttered. ”The same thing I experience when I use Mind Melding on myself…”