674 Chapter 671 (1/2)
Without wasting any more time, Leon began to swing his steel sword, and it didn't take long for him to receive a notification. Although he wasn't a swordmaster, he knew a few things about how to use a sword.
Congratulations! You have become a Level one Swordsman!
Your strength and health will increase by two points, your speed, endurance, mana, and mentality will increase by one point whenever you level up your class.
It has been a while since Leon had so much fun, so he couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. Although seeing the classes at level one was a bit annoying, Leon decided to unlock new ones instead of leveling up the ones he already got.
Congratulations! You have become a Level one Wizard!
Your intelligence and recovery will increase by two points, your dexterity, health, mana, and control will increase by one point whenever you level up your class.
Congratulations! You have become a Level one, Archer!
Your dexterity and stamina will increase by two points, your speed, health, mana, and control will increase by one point whenever you level up your class.
Congratulations! You have become a Level one Magic Swordsman!
Your health and mana will increase by two points, your speed, strength, mana, and control will increase by one point whenever you level up your class.
”Man, this is so much fun!” Leon smiled excitedly. ”I knew that learning how to use conceptual attacks would open new possibilities, but I didn't imagine those would be so fun.”
”You really are enjoying yourself, aren't you?” Ilyana frowned. ”Well, as long as you keep training, I guess it is fine.”
”You sure created something interesting,” Leon said. ”Knowing you, I never imagined you would create something so…”
”I didn't create this system…” Ilyana lowered her head. ”A man in the past created and taught me. Despite his magic talent, he…”
It looked like Leon had stepped on a landmine. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but Leon found several sides of Ilyana that he didn't expect that still could exist. She looked incredibly sad while recalling that system's creator, which was unexpected since Ilyana didn't look sad when she mentioned the extinction of her race.