659 Chapter 657 (1/2)
”I can't believe I just witnessed this…” Sylph added.
Since he didn't see what had happened, Leon was confused after hearing those responses from his spirits. However, eventually, Sekundez appeared to explain everything that had happened.
”You won the bet… Netro didn't have the guts to endure the power of his own sun for long,” Sekundez explained. ”He tried to absorb the mana of his own sun in order to heal himself and nullify the pain, but he failed since he couldn't concentrate. In the end, the only thing he managed to do before collapsing was to cancel Absolute Accuracy. So, after a while, the sun returned to its natural place.”
Leon still couldn't believe that, but in the distance, he could see a massive star of fire moving away slowly from where he was. It was kind of impressive that its gravitational field didn't pull him, but he wasn't complaining. Regardless, near him, Leon saw a five-meter-long chunk of meat that was still beating despite not having a body… it was Netro's heart. In the end, he didn't react fast enough, and he became like that. However, he eventually would regenerate. So, it was better to deal with him before that happens.
”I wonder if Stop can work now,” Leon rubbed his chin.
”Yes, it will work,” Sekundez answered. ”Without a brain, he won't be able to resist your spells. That being said, he wouldn't be in this state if he had done what you did. It looks like he was one of the strongest of his race, but he didn't reach the true potential of the dragons… but you did.”
”I did?” Leon frowned.
”…While you were in that half-dead state, you learned some skills,” Sekundez hesitated a little bit. ”I guess it was because you gave the order for your heart to do several things to keep itself working.”
Leon checked his status screen and found there three skills that had powerful names. Dragon Aura, Dragon Soul, and Dragon Heart… those seemed pretty useful since their effects were similar but much stronger than Dragon Force and Dragon Mode. However, he couldn't help but wonder if he deserved those… he wasn't a dragon, after all. So, why would he have such skills?
”You learned Dragon Aura when your heart managing to protect itself almost completely from the sun, Dragon Soul you obtained when you managed to recover from the damage received,” Sekundez explained. ”You learned Dragon Hearth when you managed to do both of those skills at the same time without dying.”
By the look of the things, his heart worked quite a lot and even activated those spells soon after receiving those notifications. Given the cost of the skills, it was indeed impressive that he managed to do all that without dying, but if he didn't remember him learning that…
”I died…” Leon said.
Leon could really feel that he was different than before… Although he felt powerful, he also was feeling weird. He just regenerated his body using mana alone, after all. Also, according to Sekundez, it was pretty clear that Leon obtained something like a partial-immortality.
”You still damaged your spirit a lot to obtain enough mana to survive the sun,” Sekundez said. ”So, don't get carried away thinking that you are immortal now.”
Sekundez came and threw a bucket of cold water on Leon… he didn't really need it, but he felt thankful for it. In any case, Leon used Stop to stop the time around Netro's heart, and then he decided to hide it at the same place where he hid the shadowy figure's body… underneath Ilyana's castle.
After that, he didn't waste time using Mindscape Transportation and Summon Perfect Replica. He would need all the knowledge his replica could obtain from Netro, so time was of the essence.
”Hey, Ilyana, can you hear me?” Leon asked, using Telepathy.
It was weird, Leon felt that the message had been sent, but he couldn't hear any answer. Ilyana was alive, but it looked like she was in a situation where she couldn't answer. Leon used Clairvoyance only to find a red aura enveloping Earth. He couldn't actually approach his vision thanks to that aura.
”What the…” Leon frowned.