653 Chapter 651 (1/2)

Leon was quite surprised by Netro suddenly questions. If anything, answering his questions might help him buy some time. However, given that Leon was literally starving to death, he didn't have time for that. Still, did he have any other option? Leon barely damaged Netro, and that was when he was in his half-dragon form. Now, he was about to die of hunger, and his opponent was perfectly fine. Not only that, he wasn't using even a single drop of mana to maintain that form.

”… Someone once told me that everything was possible using mana,” Leon replied. ”The people who tried to learn those spells probably didn't try for long.”

If Leon remembers well, he obtained Dragon Force by eating dragons… but now that he thought about it, he didn't eat all that many for him to start to change physically and become like one. If that were possible, many people on Earth would have obtained that skill by know. They have been hunting and eating dragons for a year, after all.

”Mmm… there is also the fact that I ate thousands of dragon hearts, but if only that were enough, Ilyana would have attempted to motivate me to eat dragons more.”

In any case… Leon suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He didn't feel like when he was in his humanoid form, but Netro now looked quite delicious… not sexually speaking. He had a lot of meat in his body. The answer to many of his problems was actually in front of him…

”Eating a half-dragon would make me feel bad since they were humanoids… but that doesn't apply for someone who has the body of a dragon that big.”

Leon had to strike down now while Netro was shocked by his Dragon's Mode. The only where he could secure his lunch was now… if he fails, Netro will understand his intention, and that would never work again. To increase the chances of success, Leon would need the cooperation of Rem and Shadow.

”Rem, Shadow… you two need to work together,” Leon talked with his spirits using his mind alone. ”At this rate, I will really die of hunger… so I want you two to bring me a piece of that guy's tail.”

”At once, Master,” Shadow said.

”It has been quite a while since you gave me any orders, but I guess this is quite an interesting one,” Rem nodded.

Although they were equally powerful and stronger than the other spirits except for Sekundez, they seemed by far the less reliable ones. However, Leon didn't have any choice but to rely on them. If he moves too much, he might collapse of starvation, and besides, the spirits could use the elements and cause as much damage as Leon. They just needed the mana and barely had to concentrate.

”You bastard… how dare you!” Netro shouted, and the whole planet started to tremble. ”How dare you eat the tail of a dragon that is still alive!”

It looked like that was something impolite to do, but Leon couldn't care less about such costumes, rules, or whatever the hell that was… He was hungry and hungry people don't care about how they managed to get food.

As expected, the scales were getting on the way, but even without cooking, the meat was pretty good, and with every bite, Leon felt his energy recovering. He was supposed to feel quite scared while being stared at by Netro's bloodshot eyes, but then again, Leon was too hungry to care about anything else.