628 Chapter 626 (1/2)
The more the zombies approached, the bigger the dark-reddish sun became. However, as expected, with Leon's current skills, there was a limit of how much mana he could absorb, so several zombies managed to jump over that small sun. However, they were stopped by a massive wall of earth.
”Thanks, Gnome,” Leon said. ”But try to consume less mana next time.”
”You got it!” Gnome said.
Although Leon could control what that dark sun could absorb, moving it was a bit too much. As expected, he wasn't supposed to learn or use something like that at that moment. However, only something that powerful would be able to kick the ass of the shadowy figure.
Suddenly, the shadowy figure's presence disappeared. Most likely, he was trying to fool Leon. Although it wasn't much, even his Dark Aura was being used as a fuel to increase the size of that dark sun. So, it was only obvious that he couldn't let his own mana be used against himself. It was clear that he was still around, but Leon couldn't pinpoint his location since he couldn't concentrate on anything else but the dark sun at that moment.
Eventually, all the zombies got killed by the dark sun, and the sphere was now as big as Leon. That being said, the cost to keep that active was stupidly high, and Leon didn't even receive a notification that he learned the spell. It needed to become bigger, but all the mana Leon could recover and drain was being used to keep the spell active, which would be difficult.
The shadowy figure was still hidden, waiting for the moment to strike Leon. However, he wouldn't approach unless the dark sun disappears, so he was waiting for Leon to get tired.
”In the end, I won't be able to do that without causing a lot of trouble to her…” Leon sighed.
Just using his own and the shadowy figure's mana wasn't enough, so Leon decided to change the target of his dark magic. He couldn't control that kind of effect if he chooses two targets, so Leon made his spell focus on draining all the mana from the surroundings. Shadow couldn't help him drain mana directly, but Leon still could do that by using Mana Magnetism, but he wasn't the only one.
Since playing that game of rat and cat was useless, the shadowy figure decided to attack the dark sun. That would be dangerous and could very well kill both of them, but he had a hidden card if something happens. So, he didn't hesitate to fire a Black Hole towards it.
As expected, this time, the dark sun didn't absorb the energy of the spell, and it started to tremble violently, but with the help of Efreet and Shadow, Leon managed to stabilize the sphere again. With that extra amount of mana granted by the shadowy figure, the dark sun finally became five times bigger than Leon.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Dark Sun.
Cost: 100000 mana per second
You obtained 01 status points.