615 Chapter 613 (1/2)
”Huh?” Leon frowned. ”What about the trials?”
Leon got caught by surprise when he heard that, but in the end, it wasn't that surprising that a spirit could read his mind and even his memories to some extent. Sekundez could do a lot of things, after all. That being said, finding a so cooperative spirit raised a lot of questions in his head. Also, considering Sekundez warnings, Leon imagined he would have a hard time convincing a pacifist spirit to help someone like him who wanted to protect Earth and his friends no matter what.
”You found me and destroyed my defensive spell in the blink of an eye,” Rem replied. ”That is more than enough for you to obtain my powers and total cooperation. Besides, I know what you want to do with my powers, and I don't have any reason not to help someone who wants to protect others.”
The reasoning was sound, but Leon couldn't help but feel weird, given that the spirit of light was too cooperative. Regardless, in the end, that only would help him… Leon didn't have time to waste since Earth was in danger, and his friends were fighting for their lives.
”All right, then. Thank you for understanding my situation and for deciding to help me,” Leon said.
In the end, Leon spent two hours draining the mana stored in Rem's body. Still, he stopped when his mana was around twenty percent remaining. Leon didn't want to risk killing the spirit, after all.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Summon Rem's Fragment.
Cost: 100 mana per second.
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Light Manipulation.
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Light Solidification.
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Light Aura.
Cost: 5000 mana per second.
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Light-Speed Movement.
Cost: 1000 mana per second.
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: True Damage.
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Sphere of Light Transformation.
Cost: 1000 mana per second.
You obtained 01 status points.
”Hello, everyone,” Rem said already inside Leon's head. ”It is nice to meet you. As you are aware, I'm Rem's fragment. Since we are allies now, I hope that we can get along.”
”Sure,” Celsius said.