596 Chapter 594 (1/2)
Their attributes also varied quite a bit. Dragons of fire, water, wind, thunder, earth, ice were the most commons. But here and there, a poisonous or acid dragon could appear... which was weird because even though Leon could see them working together, dragons of different attributes looked at each other without a hint of camaraderie. It was strange that poison and acid dragons could exist since those types were basically a fusion of two or more elements.
”Well. There is an exception to every rule... maybe some dragons loved each other like Romeo and Juliet, and from that kind of forbidden love, poison and acid dragons were generated,” Leon shrugged.
Putting such crazy ideas aside, Leon still decided to check if the dragons had hearts for him to eat... but he didn't find any. Fortunately, their meat was the best thing Leon had eaten so far. Maybe it was because it was rich in mana, but he couldn't care less.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Gravity Trap.
Cost: 1000 mana
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Restriction.
Cost: 500 mana
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Air Charge.
Cost: 500 mana
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Siphon of energy.
Cost: 1000 mana
Restores: 1000 stamina
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Acid Assault.
Cost: 1000 mana
You obtained 01 status points.
Regardless, despite the fact that Leon had to use a lot of mana to control his spear, he already was training and leveling up his new skills much faster thanks for two reasons. First, the dragons had a lot more mana than any monster Leon had seen so far, so he could recover more mana than he uses against them. The second reason was related to the first one; the dragons were powerful. Based on their status alone, they were far stronger than Leon, but since there weren't glass cannons like Leon. They were physically and magically strong, incredibly sturdy, but at the same time fast.
”No wonder they were the most powerful type of monsters... if they weren't so prideful, I bet they could have destroyed earth...” Leon rubbed his chin. ”In any case, by my calculations, things will get difficult again once the dragons reach level five hundred...”
”I can increase the effectiveness of mana liquid by using dragon's blood, but there is a limit of how much that will help me,” Leon said. ”Besides, I have to sleep eventually, and I still don't know how I will be able to sleep, considering that dragons don't stop from coming.”