550 Chapter 548 (1/2)
Although they had been recognized by the system, Leon knew that the liches had been created by the shadowy figure. Still, that meant that Sekundez had been attacked by the shadowy figure as well. In any case, Leon couldn't help but start to wonder about some weird things again. Did Sekundez experience the assimilation in that exact same order? If the answer was yes, it was very weird because only someone very lucky would have the chance to get strong at a steady and relatively safe pace.
”It is also weird that she would have enough mana to defeat so many enemies,” Leon said.
If the answer was no, why Sekundez would make Leon face the monsters in a convenient order? That was the kind of thing Leon couldn't understand since neither answers made any sense.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Frozen Enchantment
Cost: 30 mana per second
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Electric Enchantment
Cost: 30 mana per second
You obtained 01 status points.
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Burning Enchantment
Cost: 30 mana per second
You obtained 01 status points.
Although the elemental armors could make more or less the same thing, Leon felt quite satisfied in learning elemental enchantments. With them, he could make better use of the elemental weaknesses of monsters since he could add the power of several elements to his weapons and even his punches and kicks.
”Things are progressing well... soon, I will be able to buy the tome of Omnilingualism,” Leon rubbed his chin. ”Although I decided to learn Mind Summoning after learning Omnilingualism, I think it is a better idea to learn Mind shifting. Maybe if I delete my memories of this endless grinding, I will manage to handle the years to come.”
Mind Shifting was probably what Donan's used to delete Darya's memories. Although Leon had decided not to learn that, that kind of power would help him. Those years alone were hard to deal with and it was clear that Leon wouldn't miss the days where he didn't think of anything and only used spells nonstop. But there was one problem, Sekundez. Would she cancel the trial if Leon learns and use such a skill?
”It is probably fine, Sekundez said that I just have to experience the same things,” Leon nodded to himself. ”Besides, she didn't stabilize any other rules. Sekundez probably knew who Ilyana is what this mark on my arm could do and still didn't say anything, after all.”
Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Omnilingualism
Cost: 500 mana per second
You obtained 01 status points.
In the week Leon became fifty years old, he finally obtained that skill. It was a weird present for himself considering Leon's age... even though he didn't feel any day older than when he was in college. Regardless, without wasting any time, Leon bought a wand in Ilyana's storage and since the wand had a skill Leon thought it would be difficult to replicate, it was the perfect test subject.