506 Chapter 504 (1/2)

Congratulations! The skill Thunder Ray has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Ice Beam has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Thunder Arrow has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Ice Arrow has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.


Using Plasma Arrows was overkill, so Leon decided to train other spells while he also used Thunder Ray and Ice Beam to stop them. It was hard to be sure, but Leon felt like he had killed a few hundred thousands of gremlins. At least that was what he thought after noticing that smoke on that world decreased a lot and saw the pile of demonic spears behind him.

”Looking for the gremlins is a pain now... I guess I will just learn a few more spells while I wait for them. So, who wants to teach me some combined spells?”

”Celsius and I are going to teach you this time.” Undine declared.

”Why me and why both of us at the same time?” Celsius frowned.

”Can I ask to learn something more practical for battles?” Leon asked.

”Don't worry, the spells you will learn are very battle oriented,” Undine smiled.

After hearing that, Leon only felt more worried. Celsius was easy to understand, but the same things couldn't be said about Undine. Regardless, both of them started to demonstrate for Leon the first spells, and Leon couldn't help but frown when a rain cloud appeared above the place, and just a few small drops of water fell from the sky. However, every drop of water created a massive spiked block of ice when it touched the ground. It was the perfect skill to defeat swarms of gremlins, but they didn't even try to help Leon.

”... Why didn't you use that to help me?” Leon asked.

”Because you had everything under control and because you didn't ask,” Undine answered.

Leon sighed because she was right. Leon had everything under control even when dozens of gremlins flew toward him, he didn't ask for their help because he felt like they wouldn't agree to kill many weakling monsters. However, even though the spirits were stronger despite being at a lower level, the gremlins weren't exactly pushovers.