457 Chapter 455 (1/2)
”Leon?” Hector frowned. ”It is good to meet you, but... what are you doing here, and why did you appear so suddenly?”
”Lower your voice,” Leon said. ”I came here to tell that there is a chance that some allies of the terrorists might have infiltrated your camp, don't spread this information and be careful.”
”What? That is impossible.” Hector said, looking skeptical of such a possibility. ”Not a single human joined our side in three hundred years.”
”I just recently learned that magic could do a lot of things...” Leon said. ”Anyway, spies infiltrated Yuki and Gisela's camps three hundred years ago and stayed quiet until now. So, I advise that you should act carefully because I can't keep coming every single time you guys face a problem. Also, Gisela's camp also returned to Earth. I already told them what I told you... if both sides have brains, then everyone will save their energy to protect Earth when the time comes. Make good use of the time dilation until then.”
Without waiting to hear their opinions about such matters, Leon used Transfer and left the temporary center of operations. In the end, Leon couldn't help but sigh... he wanted to make his friends and every single human strong, but he couldn't be over-protective again. Even his family and friends forgot about him. It was already an instinct to try to protect them.
”I know what I can do to make them cooperate more...”
Leon returned to the center of operations and surprised everyone again, but this time he didn't say anything. Leon just offered a handshake to drain their mana and asked Efreet to pass a part of his powers to them. Once again, Leon left the place while everyone else was confused.
”Leon... My powers aren't something you can give people like that,” Efreet said, visibly annoyed.
”Sorry... We will fight three times this week since you gave your powers to three of my friends,” Leon said. ”If you do the same to the others, we will fight every day for the entire week. Is that fine with you?”
”Bahahaha! Of course! Of course!” Efreet laughed maniacally. ”If you fight me every day, then it doesn't matter if you decide to give my power to every single person on this planet!”
A few hours later, Leon returned to Japan only to see that the place where Yuki and Gisela fought was empty. That being said, Leon found Ren and Yuki above the wall, as if they had been waiting for him.
”Where are Gisela and the others?” Leon asked.
”They decided to retreat and start building their base on German territory,” Yuki answered.
”Hector and the others also returned to Earth,” Leon said. ”What are you going to do about them?”
”... As long as they don't cause problems, I will ignore them.” Yuki answered.
Leon offered a handshake and Yuki accepted, once she realized that her mana was being drained, she tried to pull back her arm. However, when she received the notifications of Efreet's power, she stopped struggling. Leon did the same thing to Ren before he left.
”If you guys don't cause me any more problems, maybe I will give you other gifts,” Leon said.
Leon headed toward the direction Gisela and the others went, and upon finding them, Leon did the same and told them the same words before he vanished. That day had been a bit tiring, but Leon was quite sure that he did a good job. In the end, all the humans were back on Earth. Although they weren't allies anymore, they weren't enemies either, and that was a good start. Besides, it wasn't like they would have to stick in the same place for them to protect Earth, the harvesters were incredibly powerful beings. Knowing that they wouldn't fight at the same time and in the same place since their powers could collide and disturb each other. The primary preparations had been completed, now Leon had to increase his power as much as he can and hope that his friends would do the same without him babysitting them.