428 Chapter 427 (1/2)
”... If you kill them, you will never discover if they have more allies hiding somewhere,” Leon said after a long sigh. ”You will only delay the inevitable trying to satisfy your own thirst for blood. If you want to make them suffer, just leave the things here to me and tell the Australian leader just to capture anyone who may enter the continent over the course of next week. I assure you that killing them is being merciful.”
”Your Majesty...” Ren hesitated.
”Shut up, Ren...” Yuki said, annoyed. ”I won't let you do whatever you want in a situation that may endanger my people. We will keep an eye on them and on you while you prepare this ambush of yours. Unless you accept these terms, I won't follow your plan.”
”So, you want to come with me?” Leon frowned. ”How can you be so imprudent... whatever, do what you want.”
Ren and Yuki would work with Leon, but he doubted that they could keep up with him. Besides, Leon would be the one to identify the troublesome individuals, so those two would always be one step behind them.
Regardless, Leon had to wait for half an hour while Yuki and Ren were talking with the Australian leader and readying themselves. They said to him that they shouldn't spread that information and just lure any new individual to a place where they couldn't escape using the excuse that visitors had to be questioned about certain things.
Eventually, Ren and Yuki appeared. Ren, aside from his red katana he was wearing a set of red Japanese armor... it looked like he decided to focus on increasing his Fire Resistance because he was waiting for the return of dragons. Leon couldn't understand following that logic, why the hell he became a specialist in fire magic as well... he probably just wanted to serve as a meat shield for Yuki.
Aside from her gloves, Yuki was wearing a set of light armor and boots. All of them had a light-green glow... Leon didn't know if she liked the color or if they were all enchanted with the thunder element, and she liked that. Most likely, she only used those because that increased her thunder attacks and, thus, her speed.
”Now that I think about it, I have to ask Ilyana about the guy who summoned dragons... she probably knows the bastard. I guess the number of assholes I have to kill increased...”
”What are you looking at?” Yuki furrowed her eyebrows.
”Nothing,” Leon looked away. ”This may take a while, are you guys ready for that?”