367 Chapter 366 (1/2)

Almost two months passed since Leon returned to Miebos and started his training, and it was starting to get hard to learn a new spell every day and train it. Even though he had Pyromancy, Geomancy, and Electromancy.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Spark Wave.

Cost: 70 mana

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Frost Wave.

Cost: 70 mana

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Fiery Rope.

Cost: 50 mana

You obtained 01 status points.

”I guess it won't be possible to keep that pace and increase my intelligence so much... Since that is the case, I should learn more spells like Plasma Bullet.”

Leon couldn't level up Sword of Light, so it was better to learn and level up a more powerful version of Plasma Bullet. The problem was, for how long? The cost of mana would be huge, and the more time he spends training, the less mana he will be able to store in Soul Eater.

Soul Eater

It drains and stores all the mana of enemy foes.

Mana Stored: 13254998256

”Maybe I'm a bit too cautious... This should be more than enough mana to deal with a being who lived probably one hundred times longer than me, right?”

It was impossible to know... the fact that the creature had to use one thousand liches to be summoned and couldn't even could stay for long on another planet was proof enough that Leon wasn't too careful in any way. Still, Leon would never feel satisfied with his preparations. Using blue angel leaves alone, Leon could increase the mana stored on Soul Eater by ten million points, but he didn't feel satisfied with that. Because he didn't want to fail... and die after struggling so much, would leave him with so many regrets... even after surviving crazy situations time and time again.

”Whatever... even if I fail, I won't be able to hear anyone complaint, and as far as I know, the Amanda, Maya, and everyone else already forgot about me... they probably concluded that I died a long time ago...”

In the end, Leon recalled that feeling he had just before he fell on the ocean, he accepted his death, but tried a little more just in case and bet on his small chance of survival. After everything Leon experienced in the last nine years, he wasn't scared of dying... he was scared of giving up. He wanted to return home as soon as possible because it would be useless to return if the people he cares about were no longer there.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Plasma Arrow.

Cost: 500 mana

You obtained 01 status points.

It took one week for Leon to learn that spell, the cost was insane, and it would take a while before it equals Magma Spear in terms of raw power. Although the effects were powerful, only that wasn't enough.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Earth Creation has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.