365 Chapter 364 (1/2)

After one month of training, Leon felt like it was time to study some other types of magic instead of offensive ones. Thanks to the presence of the hulky warriors, the number of physical skills increased, it looked like a good idea to study them. Still, considering that Leon destroyed his arm in a single punch against Donan, it was clear that only some evasive skills would be useful.

”Did you guys manage to develop some kind of spell that can make a person split in two?” Leon asked.

”Is that supposed to be some kind of joke?” Darya frowned. ”Of course not... You went to the harvesters' world, right? You didn't find anything like that there, and you think you will find it here?”

”I think that my luck stat is bugged... I spent almost two years there, but I didn't find a single tome there myself. By the way, how high is your luck? Mine is forty-two. If I am using a ring, it is eighty-four.”

”I didn't ask...” Darya frowned. ”Mine is pretty high; it is two hundred fifty-five... while the average on the people of this world is one hundred and ten... my soldiers don't increase their luck because their value is around that and they obtain plenty of tomes when they hunt.”

Leon nodded, in the end, he was an abnormality in many senses. His luck wasn't that high, but it didn't make sense for him to be so unlucky… he was probably cursed or something, and that would explain why the holy sword was still sealed.

”What about summoning spells,” Leon said. ”Did you guys made some progress in that area?”

”No, after you and the harvesters left, we started to explore other planets and found some runes in several places,” Daria explained. ”We tried to use those runes to combine them together, but we didn't learn anything. We hoped that those runes would help us in that area, but that wasn't the case.”

”Did you guys develop any non-combat spell that could be useful at all?” Leon asked.

”You talk as if we are a bunch of brutes who enjoy fighting against monsters...” Darya glared at Leon. ”We have some spells that fit those criteria... Dense Fog, Sharp Eyes, Sonic Scream...”

”Now that I think about it, your grandfather obtained the power to create the Poison Mist down below, right?” Leon asked.

”Yes... we don't have any need for that anymore,” Darya answered. ”However, that power was obtained thanks to a relic... we can't replicate such large scale spell yet.”

”I see...” Leon nodded. ”Well, I guess I should look for the most useful spells since they seemed to be quite complicated...”

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Dense Fog.

Cost: 50 mana per second

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Sharp Eyes.