337 Chapter 336 (1/2)

Would someone try to replicate a rune they just found? The answer was yes, if that someone was pretty insane. Jertien passed the image of a wise old man, but it looked like that wasn't one hundred percent true. Regardless, Leon taught Jertien how to learn Mind Armor, too.

”Are you sure is that how you learned?” Jertien frowned.

”Yep, did you try that before?” Leon asked. ”Maybe you should put more mana in your brain.”

Leon imagined that Jertien and the others would quickly learn, even if that was the case, that only help Leon in the future. However, it looked like they tried before, but didn't succeed.

”Now that I think about it, perhaps skills have certain requirements... for example, to learn Ghost Punch someone would have to have at least fifty points of stamina since that was the cost of the skill. Considering that Jertien has a lot of mana, perhaps to activate the trigger and learn Mind Armor, he also would have to learn Mana Armor, or have Mana Armor at a certain level...”

That was a possibility, but that kind of thing he didn't have to answer or explain because no one asked.

”I will give it a try later,” Jertien said. ”Well, I'm going. I also need to work hard and get stronger while I can.”

After Jertien left, Leon started to wonder f those guys' brains had rotted after so many years. Their intentions were clear; most likely, they didn't intend to help Leon after they deal with angels. If they succeed, they won't have time to help a creature of another planet, even though that same creature was pivotal for them. Jorhorn was the leader of the group, but he was stupid to the point where he couldn't hide his hatred and bloodlust. He hated beings of other worlds since one of the many destroyed his world, family, and friends, but he hated Leon even more because he almost killed Alurelle.

”I gave them plenty of chances and helped them without receiving anything in exchange... if that is the path they want to follow, then so be it. I'm tired of this crap... I don't mind if they plan to get rid of me after solving this problem, but treat me like a dead brain for so long is annoying beyond reason.”

Leon knew from the very first moment he saw Jorhorn that he would never become an ally. Despite that, they had things that could help Leon in the long run. Knowledge and technology were one of them, and that was why Leon did his part and made himself useful, but it was time to stop the acting.

”Their betrayal is obvious, but it didn't happen yet... so I guess I can't become an ally of the angels... I don't even think that is possible, anyway.”

In the end, Leon couldn't even follow the 'enemy of my enemy is my friend,' be angels, or harvesters, all of them were his enemies. So, he could only act once he decreases the numbers. The difficulty would be severe, but the rewards would be awesome.

”Well, one step at a time...”

”They used a spell to prevent us from spying? Or is that the result of the completion of the other magic circles?”

In the end, Leon couldn't even go to Celosie alone if he wanted. The cost of the trip would be a stupid amount of mana, which he didn't have, and to return would be even more difficult since he didn't know what was waiting for him there.

Leon resumed his hunting/practice while changing things a little bit, now that he mostly didn't have to worry about mana, thanks to the magic circle, he decided to add Gravity and Telekinesis to his training program. Both skills would be necessary for the future, and even though that would make the battles easy, Leon couldn't afford to worry about such things now that he was sure that he couldn't count on the harvesters' help to go home.

Congratulations! The skill Telekinesis has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Gravity has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Transfer has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Lion's Pride has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

”I also have to resume my training of combining the elements... oh, man... so many things to do...”