322 Chapter 321 (1/2)

Congratulations! You have learned the skill: Freezing Mist.

Cost: 20 mana per second.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Freezing Mist has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Ice Resistance has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Freezing Mist has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.

Congratulations! The skill Ice Resistance has leveled up.

You obtained 01 status points.


”I hate cold… I definitely hate cold… Achoo!” Leon murmured.

The battles against angels became more and more scarce, so Leon focused on his training as much as he could. For some reason, that dungeon never spawned any boss, and the spawning rate of ordinary chimeras was quite slow. So, for both reasons, Jorhorn decided that it was time to move on to the next continent.

”Genelosa, how do you think we should proceed?” Jorhorn asked.

”If we are cautious, we should attack the northern continent next,” Genelosa answered. ”The number of dungeons there is much higher, so we will be able to eliminate many more angels. However, it will be hard to move without being noticed. There aren't many well-hidden places that we can use.”

”That is not a problem,” Jorhorn said. ”With my powers and with Soul Eater, I will be able to create a fake mountain or an underground shelter that is capable of keeping us hidden.”

”An underground shelter will do, but it won't be pleasant,” Genelosa said. ”The northern continent is a massive desert, and the heat is annoying, and at night the cold isn't less unpleasant.”

Leon started to wonder when he would see some civilization in that world. The southern continent didn't have much aside from forests and mountains. If the northern continent was a vast desert, then it looked like the only place he could see cities or something would be on the central continent. However, considering the angels' behavior, Leon wouldn't probably see a single building standing. Things built by sinful creatures are probably wicked in their eyes too.

Regardless, it looked like Leon would be able to train his Fire and Ice Resistance on the next stage. So, instead of keep leveling up Freezing Mist, Leon decided to practice new thunder spells. However, he would have to do that later because the harvesters would have to travel in their smaller form in order not to let themselves be noticed. Meanwhile, Leon would have to carry their gear using Telekinesis.

��Yep, I'm not going to ally myself with any other race on the brink of extinction… they will just treat me like a luggage carrier… to hell with that.”

Given the circumstances, it couldn't be helped, but Leon didn't want to be treated like a convenient tool, even if it couldn't be helped. Maybe it was because two months have passed since the plan to recover the harvesters world had started, but Leon was getting more impatient than usual. Perhaps it was because he couldn't decide his actions freely, or maybe it was because of his rusty social skills. Either way, the only thing he knew was that he didn't want to spend a decade to recover those six planets.

Leon had already imagined the northern continent when Genelosa described it, but the place was even more insane than she mentioned. There were only the yellow sand and the blue sky in all directions… Leon had no idea how they would move and not get lost without a map. Even if all of them could fly, they wouldn't be able to locate the dungeons and angels if they fly high enough to see a big part of the continent.