298 Chapter 297 (1/1)
When Leon arrived in the territory where Gurr's village was located, he started to wonder how he should proceed. Destroy buildings and cause panic while risking killing the civilians, or just suddenly appear in front of the research center and kick the guards' asses that try to attack him?
”Either way, it doesn't matter. If some people die, they probably deserve that since they accepted to be ruled by an asshole…”
Although Leon believed that to be true, in the end, he gave up on the idea. Leon doubted that even Donan's subordinates knew the kind of person he was. It was impossible that the general population could even imagine that he was a bastard who treated his relatives like tools. In the end, just appear and wait for him would be the best choice. Due to the fact that would annoy Donan the most since it was a sign that Leon was buying a direct fight with him.
Using a mithril staff, Leon started to hit the soil of the city. With every strike, the surroundings trembled, and some of the soil fell downward. A few seconds later, Leon appeared in the city, and he saw some people running or using magic to escape from there. While the civilians were running away, some guards that worked on the research center approached.
”Now then…” Leon pointed his index fingers toward them.
Pointing his fingers to use Mana Bullets was unnecessary, but Leon felt like putting a show to them since that would be the last time he would be seen on that planet. The first wave of Mana Bullets got repelled by their Mana Armor, but it didn't take long before the guards started to get hit. Mana Bullet was a skill that didn't receive bonus damage with the help of skills like Earth Manipulation or Earth Creation, but at the same time, it was a skill that couldn't be weakened by the elemental resistances… Thanks to Multi-Conjuration and Lion's Pride alone, Leon defeated a group of thirty guards in mere seconds.
”Even though Mana Bullet doesn't consume much mana, I need to take things seriously now…”
After seeing several groups of guards flying and approaching, Leon decided that it was time to stop playing. For the time being, his buffs were unnecessary, but the cost of Transfer wasn't something to laugh at. When the first group was one hundred meters away from him, Leon used Transfer, and when he appeared in front of them, he started to punch like a madman. The guards got caught by surprise and became speechless when they saw that only one hit was enough to knock them down. It wasn't because Leon's strength was that impressive. It was because by using the bracers and Mana Absorption, Leon could cancel their mana armor.
”Well, this is an unexpected but pleasant surprise…”
Despite the scene that it looked it came out from a horror movie, the guards didn't stop coming, even after dozens of their companions got buried on the ground. Almost two years ago, Leon had difficulties escaping from those guys, but since they didn't have to use their skills a lot or had to deal with criminals, their growth stagnated while Leon grew much stronger… adding that with Leon's new gear and abilities, they couldn't pose a threat to Leon.
Eventually, some guards that could use Geomancy appeared and tried to free their friends. But Leon focused on knocking them out. He didn't have time to keep doing the same thing again and again, so that was a must.
After half an hour doing that, Leon started to wonder if he had started that commotion in the right place. Guards were keep coming non-stop, but there was no sign of Dolan…
”I should have asked Anton or Eadmund where Donan usually stays…”
The number of guards buried on the soil was getting close to one thousand, and Leon made sure that they wouldn't bother him by creating some sharp steel shackles on their limbs. Since they didn't have all that much health or endurance, that was enough to keep them in check. Even those who could use Geomancy couldn't do much without risking losing their limbs.
Although Donan was taking his sweet time to appear, some unexpected guests arrived at the party. Coming out from the hole Leon created, he saw the warriors that lived under the city. Among them, Leon saw the figures of Gurr, Hammath, and Ava.
”Oh boy… I can't believe they are trying to use me like this…”
Their intention was obvious. They wanted to cause massive damage to the people living in the city above without even knowing Leon's goal. It was also hard to comprehend what their purpose was, just take a few lives or escape or use the momentum to conquer the world above? Either way, Leon wouldn't let them use him like that… when some warriors approached the guards buried on the soil to finish them off, Leon shot several Mana Bullets toward their heads. It didn't kill them, but it hurt to the point where they started to bleed.
”You guys are not going to kill them…” Leon declared, showing his cold eyes. ”Go destroy buildings or something… Oh, and don't attack civilians, unless you want to become my enemy.”
”Tsk…” Gurr clicked his tongue in annoyance.
It looked like Gurr didn't forget about the time Leon cut off his leg, at that time, Leon was much weaker. So, as of now, Gurr couldn't do anything but obey… unless he has a death wish.