293 Chapter 292 (1/1)

Leon let out a long sigh. He hated with a passion the words luck, destiny, and fate... but he couldn't help but wonder if he was doing the right thing trying to ignore all of those. Regardless, that kind of event happened before, so Leon already knew what to do. The only difference was the fact that the harvesters could kill him with just the weight of their giant forms.

”I don't want to work with you guys,” Leon declared. ”So, let's just ignore each other, okay?”

”You can decide that after,” Inglar said. ”Come, we already wasted too much time looking for you.”

”Dude, you should listen when people are talking,” Leon said. ”Give me just one reason to go to a party of giants that can smash me like an insect.”

”... We might help you to return to your world.” Inglar said.

”Oh, really?” Leon looked away. ”Then, instead of working with you guys, I will become your dog. How about it?”

”We sacrificed millions of monsters to transfer us to this planet,” Inglar explained. ”However, those were monsters that could exist in planets that were on the second stage of the assimilation. They had a lot less mana in comparison to monsters that can exist in worlds that are on the third stage of assimilation... Putting it in simple terms, even the weakest monsters would have the same amount of mana you have.”

”... So, you think you can sacrifice monsters of the third stage of assimilation to send me home?” Leon asked.

”That is the idea,” Inglar nodded. ”First, we will have to recover our worlds and then find a way to look for your planet, but that shouldn't be difficult. The monsters that are in our world can drop much more useful and powerful tomes. You can create magic items, right? So, you probably left a magic item that has your mana there. If we learn some tracking skills, it should be possible to find your mana in other planets very far away.”

”If? So you think that we might just waste time looking for such skill.” Leon frowned.

”Yes... It is possible to find the means to help you return to your world...” Inglar added. ”But everything is a big if... just like we are betting that we may help you, we are also risking our lives with this plan. Anyway, that is just one of many possibilities... if you want to hear more, you will have to talk with all of us.”

Leon let out a long sigh again. It was very annoying to be lured by such attractive offers. However, even though he was trying not to think about it, he was against the wall. He wanted to defeat Donan just to calm his anger. Beating him wouldn't help Leon in any way... It looked like to return to Earth, Leon would have to experiment with the other stages of assimilation in different worlds... It wasn't decided, but Leon decided to hear them out. At the very least, he has bound to hear some interesting information.

”Lead the way,” Leon said.

Much to his surprise, Inglar stopped in the middle of nowhere and pointed downward. It looked like he and his friends were using a dungeon as a hideout... that was why no one could tell where they stayed between battles and why Leon didn't happen to see them a lot over the last year... it was because their base was in another world, one directly connected to Miebos.

Some monsters tried to attack Leon and Inglar, but even the massive Kraken and ancient whale didn't prove to be a challenge to him. The guy was so strong that he didn't use his 'super Saiyan' form; he slashed everything apart as if they were made of butter. Although that was a dungeon that spawned ancient whales, it didn't take long before Leon and Inglar could reach the purple crystal.

If Miebos was a world that had only a single continent and was surrounded by a massive ocean, that other world had no land. At least no land that could be used above the sea-level. It was kind of surprising finding a place like that, but a bit troublesome. Although Leon could fly, he missed the feeling of walking, and he didn't want to stay wet all the time.

Although that world's surface was covered by water, after looking around, Leon saw a massive tower in the distance. It looked terribly out of place. Not only because it stands out in the middle of the blue ocean and skies, but because it seemed quite high-tech. It was like one kilometer tall, and it was even bigger since some of its parts were submerged. It wasn't made of mithril, but the material seemed pretty sturdy… It also made Leon think that was some kind of spaceship, but that probably wasn't the case. Inglar and his friends traveled to Miebos using Transfer, after all.

”The others are waiting there,” Inglar pointed to the tower. ”Let's go.”

Leon wondered if something was wrong with his head, he was following a person that he considered to be an enemy to his base. Leon could kill him and his friends, but he would only have enough mana to kill two of them… at least in their giant forms. Still, as long as he can see the exterior of the tower, he was confident that he could escape. So, Leon just readied himself.