282 Chapter 281 (1/2)
”Darya, wake up,” Leon said. ”We have some visitors.”
Darya frowned when she heard that, slowly she opened her eyes, but then suddenly she started to tremble and sweat cold. Darya recognized the presence of her grandfather nearby.
”Oh boy... it looks like you don't want to see him after such a long time...” Leon frowned.
”W-what are we going to do?” Darya asked while she was trembling like a leaf.
Leon sighed, it looked like Darya's personality returned to the point where she was one year ago... Regardless, Leon messed up. He knew that the shadowy figure or another undead Trent would tell what happened to Donan, but he didn't expect that they have some means of communication. Perhaps, Donan just happened to visit the shadowy figure in the last few days, and that was why a trap was waiting for Leon and Darya outside the dungeon...
”… First, let's see what he wants to do. After that, we will decide,” Leon rubbed his chin. ”If something happens, just escape as fast as possible without looking behind. We will reunite on the island. It would also be a good idea to escape using an underground path, we are far away from our base, but thanks to Geomancy, we should be able to move quite fast through underground routes.”
”A-are you sure?” Darya asked.
”Geez… why do you have to act like this just because your grandfather is nearby?” Leon sighed. ”Just remember, if something happens, run away as fast as you can. Create some diversion and then escape through an underground route.”
Darya nodded, even though that kind of incident wasn't within their expectations, she just had to keep doing her best to avoid the worst possible outcome. Things could have been different if they had created a checkpoint inside the dungeon, but they didn't because that wasn't possible. For some reason, before Leon or Darya could cast the spell, their mana would dissipate inside the dungeon, and that only happened when they tried to use Checkpoint.
Leon and Darya started to walk toward the entrance of the dungeon, and soon they saw hundreds of soldiers around pointing their hands toward them. As expected, if they wanted to kill Leon and Darya without asking anything, Donan wouldn't be there.
Health: 100/100
Mana: 10000/10000
Stamina: 100/100
Active Skills: Pyromancy Lv 210, Mana Armor Lv 150
Passive Skills: Earth Resistance Lv 100, Wind Resistance Lv 100, Fire Resistance Lv 100
Health: 100/100
Mana: 11500/10000
Stamina: 100/100
Active Skills: Cryomancy Lv 210, Mana Armor Lv 150
Passive Skills: Earth Resistance Lv 100, Wind Resistance Lv 100, Fire Resistance Lv 100
Health: 100/100
Mana: 9500/10000