278 Chapter 277 (1/2)

Mithril Spear of The Devourers

It grants you the skill: Mana Absorption Lv 150.

Leon frowned when he created a magic spear using the spirit of a devourer. There were no status bonuses, but the skill was at a high level. Still, the problem was the fact that Leon had no idea how that would work… considering the nature of the devourers, Leon would have to fight up close to see that skill in action, and that was something Leon didn't want to do against the devourers.

”I will test this later… Although I'm also interested in those creatures' passive skills, first, we have to look for the spirits.” Leon declared.

”Shall we split and look in different directions?” Darya asked.

”No…, let's look together since we don't know if those monsters are the only ones in this world,” Leon answered. ”We can't use checkpoint while flying, so if something happens, we won't be able to reunite fast enough.”

”So, over-protective…” Darya sighed.

”I don't mind risking myself to reach my goals,” Leon explained. ”But I don't want to cause deaths of those close to me to reach them. So, try not to cause too many troubles for me.”

”Yes, yes…” Darya said.

It would be hard to look for the places where the spirits were supposed to be, but considering that the purple crystal was being protected, Leon imagined that he would find similar landmarks nearby them. Leon and Darya had no idea how big a spirit was, so they couldn't fly that high.

”Let's look for anything suspicious nearby mountains and volcanoes while flying toward a single direction,” Leon said. ”If you see something unusual, inform me.”

”I can see pretty much nothing in all directions,” Darya said while looking around. ”I'm sure we will get lost at this rate.”

It was impossible to identify the landmarks around each other. So, Leon started to wonder what he could do to solve that problem. It was better to create a trail of some sort… In the end, Leon created some devourer zombies to follow them by behind while eating the ground. The mark on the land was clear, so that problem had been solved. But Leon wondered where in the hell that dirt being eaten was going… it looked like inside those creatures. There was some sort of distorted space where they could separate mana from matter…

Leon and Darya moved first toward the direction they concluded that it was North, but it was hard to say for sure since they flew for several hours, and they didn't notice the sun of that planet moving. Now that Leon thought about it, that planet was quite hot. He didn't notice because he leveled up his Fire Resistance more than a few times… at least that was his impression, and that confirmed itself after flying for several hours and not finding any sigh of water.