271 Chapter 270 (1/2)

Once again, Leon and Darya returned to the continent using an underground route. It didn't take long for them to reach the liches' dungeon. However, they had an unpleasant surprise… the liches formed a perfect barrier around the dungeon. Not using mana, but their bodies. They weren't moving an inch either, and that was very suspicious.

”There are thousands of liches there…” Darya frowned.

”I can see that… all of them had the undead tree branches, so I guess a new boss appeared.” Leon rubbed his chin. ”That is definitely a trap… but I thought that the god of death would make something more elaborate. He should have known that we can kill those monsters… even though it will take a while.”

”What are we going to do?” Darya asked.

”… I want to use Appraisal on them to confirm if those monsters have new powers or not,” Leon answered. ”But it is impossible to confirm that without being noticed… I should have leveled up Appraisal more.”

It was a bit late to notice that, considering that Leon would have to use that skill without being seen to confirm the harvesters' skills and status. However, it couldn't be helped, Leon was someone who would fill the holes of his plans with the passage of time. He would rather focus on the core of his plans and worry about the small details later.

Leon didn't have time to lose, so he prepared himself to kill the liches and knock down a few hundreds of them, there was no point in observing them since they wouldn't reveal anything like that. However, Leon changed his plans when he saw one hundred liches leaving the dungeon and another hundred entering the dungeon... that was very weird.

”There is no doubt that something shady is going on here,” Leon declared. ”We can't discover what without approaching, but it is obvious that isn't something good for us. Let's attack.”

”Roger that.” Darya nodded.

Leon also improved his control over the past months, and he discovered that by every twenty points of control, he could manipulate one more object. Now, he could control nine spears. However, those were mithril spears... much faster and stronger than the steel spears. In a few seconds, Leon killed almost one hundred liches, with them making rain blood over the area.

”You don't look that vicious, but someone can't judge a book by its cover.” Darya frowned.

”I'm not enjoying this, but those are monsters,” Leon said. ”They sold their... equivalent of humanity to become powerful and immortal... I don't have any reason to hold back against them. Still... it is kind of surprising that you can look at that without screaming or something when a few months ago, you trembled like a leaf when I threatened you.”

In the end, even Darya had a reason to be ruthless against monsters. So, she attacked the liches using short knives made of mithril added with the power of her Telekinesis. Despite saying things like that, she only attacked their hearts. Darya didn't want to destroy their heads like before. Still, she soon noticed that attacking only their hearts was useless... In the end, Darya also helped Leon to create a sea of blood.